When viewed backwards...

ok, here's a story about how lame my senior class in high school was. i graduated in 02. for our senior grad shirts the theme was... the year of the palindrome. i didnt buy the shirt... or anything for that matter.
My Sixth form printed shirts with everyone's name on the back, I mean the whole year, in a long list.

I didn't get one, but I find the idea that someone somewhere might be walking around with my name on their back pretty funny.
We had that JAGE, but in hoodie form.
No-one except the comittee that set them up actually bought them.

Why the fuck would I want to a remember the whole year, when I only enjoyed the company of about a fifth of them. And why would I ever wear that hoodie anywhere, ever.


no one got hoodies with all our names on because not enough people wanted them lol, YOU NEEDED A CONSENT FORM TO PUT YOUR NAME ON.... NAZI'S

when read backwards nazi's needed a consent form due to alot of people not wanting names on hoodies that they didnt want wut?
When viewing 2001: A Space Odyssey backwards, a supercomputer flies a spaceship out of a wormhole and works at bringing a group of humans to life (with his trusty assistant Dave) that somehow manage to colonize a planet to mirror 1960s society within minutes.
If you watch most Law and Order episodes backwards, a convicted felon is freed from prison after a trial decides there isn't enough evidence to keep him there. Then, a team of detectives go around and apologize to people for their unethical police work.

If you watch Twilight backwards, it's about a girl in Washington in love with a sparkling vampire who eventually gets tired of his creepiness, loses interest in him, and moves to Arizona.
If you watch House backwards, a guy in normal condition is admitted into a hospital. House, then, does something to the patient that causes them to show crazy symptoms. House then says it's some crazy disease, everyone disagrees, and the patient leaves the hospital.
If you watch the FoxNews channel backwards, the day starts with a rude Irishman interrupting everyone he talks to, and ends with a woman wearing too much makeup and bad botox cavorting with a blonde closet homosexual man who claims to be a meteorologist.