When's the next announcement??

As if Lemmy and Cronos actually play their instruments...

Dude, are you serious? Lemmy is a GREAT bass player.
In all honesty, you probably don't know that from listening to the albums because of the distortion he uses makes it sound more like a rhythm guitar than a bass. He plays a lot of leads on that thing.
He is one of the most underrated musicians in metal, simply because of his being known more as a "figurehead".

I will admit Cronos isn't the most gifted bassists.
I just posted him because I bet you wouldn't diss him to his face!
Oh yeah!!! I dare you to say that to THESE men!!!


Oh man...you can't use this guy!!! The biggest guitar player wannabe EVER!!!
:zombie: What?!

I am VERY serious about Lemmy
(Ok, not as much so about DeMaio, obviously).

Not sure how familiar anyone here is with Motorhead's catalog, but all throughout their career, Lemmy has continuously played a LOT more than just rhythm on the bass (IE - lots of runs, leads, etc.).
I currently only have a 4 string Soundgear.
My all-time fav bass I ever owned was definitely a Ric.

I never went fretless.
I will leave that for Les Claypool!
Serious question.
For those dissing Lemmy's bass playing abilities...
Are you truly familiar with their catalog, or only their signature "hits"?

I'll be honest, I'm probably not as familiar with all their songs as you are, but I've heard plenty Motorhead songs (not just the "hits"), & never thought what Lemmy was doing was all that impressive.

Although, I could be wrong. Can you suggest a song or two that you feel Lemmy really shines on? I'd love to hear what you're refering to.
Man, that's a tough question. They have a LARGE catalog.

Well, some that come to mind are Killed By Death and Orgasmatron.

Lemmy's bass has served as a combo of rhythm guitar and bass for most of their career (aside from the short period in the mid to late 80's when they had a 2nd guitarist in Wurzel).

Is he a Les Claypool or Billy Sheehan? Well, no. Though the music they play doesn't really lend itself to that. Just saying that he isn't complete 100% backup rhythm as some of his peers (IE - Tom Araya, etc.).
Here are some links to a couple of MPEGS I took at the Heaven and Hell show last night at O'Malley's. The quality isn't that great because I'm still not as proficient as I should be at taking vids with the Cybershot. Most of them tend to turn out dark and blurry and the audio quality can be dodgy, too. The meager stage lighting and craziness down in front of the stage at O'Malley's last night didn't help matters either. ;) Anyway, part of Rainbow in the Dark and Mob Rules are in the first clip:

http://www.eyesoffyr.com/music/sweet_home/tributes/heavenandhell/heavenandhell_rainbow_mob.mpg (125 MB)

The second one is most of Man on the Silver Mountain, the final song in the set. It really was crowd pleaser. :D

http://www.eyesoffyr.com/music/sweet_home/tributes/heavenandhell/heavenandhell_man.mpg (78 MB)

Sacred Dawn also played last night. Finally got to see them. Pics of them and Heaven and Hell have also been posted to the Foto Gallery.

Sacred Dawn
Heaven and Hell

In other news, our own ShadowLioness (Rachel) was also in attendance at last night's show and she won the raffle! She is now the proud owner of a Washburn guitar.


Congratulations, Rachel! And thanks for the clarification above. ;)

Fantastic pics Rebecca! Thanks again for the congrats.

@ Jasonic: Thanks for the congrats as well! I'm pretty excited about it since the only other electric I have is a Warlock. I like it, but I can only play it standing up...with that body style it's a bit awkward to sit down ever and play it. :Smug: This Washburn will be much better for that. I haven't had a chance to tinker with it yet...my roommate had it out of the box yesterday and was fiddling with it, dammit!

As far as bass players, I was gonna post pics of Sheehan and Claypool...you beat me by already mentioning them. Those two RULE in my book.