"Where’s the appeal of being a Tool fan?"

<--- is a diehard Tool fan, and they are his favorite band. :D

I think a lot of people don't realize how tongue and cheek the band is. Yes, the music and lyrics are extraordinarily serious, but they really are just 4 goons.

Either way, that was pretty funny. I like the "it's 3% less nerdy than liking Rush" bit. And yes, many Tool fans are quite annoying, second only to Opeth fans.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention it would have been much funnier if Maddox wrote it himself, instead of one of his many clones. ;)
There is a fine line between sounding high-and-mighty and simply stating facts that no one else will really look at. The truth hurts, I guess.

Where he really won me over is with this:

"There’s only one kind of Tool fan. The Tool fan who thinks that being a Tool fan lets them into some big secret that nobody else gets. They think that only a select few posses the secret Tool decoder ring. They’d love to believe that all the halfwits who listen to Tool actually don’t get it, but really they’re all listening to them for the same reason. The fact of the matter is, any moron can understand Tool, but the hidden appeal of Tool lies in the fact that they give the illusion of being a band for smart people. They do this, as any Tool fan knows, by throwing in jumbled references to high school psychology, obscure religious references, and miscellaneous meaningless nonsense. Bullshit or not, as long as there’s something there to figure out or interpret, it’s going to make some stoned dropout feel smart."

Opeth fans will usually feel the same way, when in reality, Opeth really aren't complex at all.

For the record, I thought Aenima (Aenema?) was fantastic. The other albums range from good to boring.
Yep, but Maddox is greater than a lot of things that are greater than the bible.

I'll fully admit that prog, and to a lesser extent metal, are definitely nerd music. All the "cool" people I see drive huge lifted 2WD pickups with gigantic mud tires that never get them dirty, wear crooked baseball caps, and blast Jay-Z and Linkin Park through their stereo which requires a 2nd mortgage to pay for. So yeah, I'm a nerd. :)

There is no secret decoder ring for Tool, they aren't that complex. They definitely are that good though, as far as I'm concerned.
Black Winter Day said:
oh yes, fellow nerd... however we (most of us) can get laid! ;) tr00 nerds cannot
In that case I was pretty tr00 until I was 19. :erk: :lol:

*goes to bn.com to buy Revenge of the Nerds Millenium Edition or something*
Can't really comment on this since the only people I know who listen to Tool do so because they LIKE THE MUSIC. I don't understand this need to disect music for it's 'underlying meaning' and being part of a gang or whatever.

With Opeth, I see the "Opeth Club Members Only" thing because of what I read / hear about on their forum - especially in threads discussing mundane things like the length of the drummers pubes, or how many times Akerfeld wipes his arse.

If Tool had a forum here, perhaps it would be filled with similar fans? You tell me.

Likewise, just because there might be whacko obsessive Opeth and Tool fans, it doesn't make me want to listen to their music any less (as long as I like it). All very simple really.
No question it would be filled to the brim with fanboys, while I find them to be monotonous I can begin to understand their appeal, though not the exceedingly high praise that follows them everywhere.

And I agree with BWD: calling either a genre for nerds is way too easy, and Peter's third album is fucking great.