Where are good places to live in the U.S.?

Dakryn, I should have been more specific. I meant "more hippies and people who don't want to shoot all Mexicans" I guess.

My_Cat_Owns, Jesus freaks huh? That's the thing that makes me apprehensive about the South. I'm cool with Christians and we can play nicely, but I don't want to feel like a black sheep. That rent sounds great though. Maybe not quite big enough a city for what I'm after but thanks for the info :)

panzerfaust666, BC/Vancouver is far too competitive an Asian violinist market. I wouldn't be able to get any gigs or any bands to play with. ;)

I didn't know you played violin, that's pretty cool. What sort of stuff do you play?

Southern Maryland is good if you want to work for the government but otherwise, it's falling apart. Same for DC though DC does have a decent music scene nowadays. Baltimore isn't my highest recommendation but if you're looking to attend a grad school for performance, then the Peabody would suit you.

Oh and I almost forgot to mention, Maryland has a high cost of living. You can't even rent a trailer around here for less than $900 and that's if you're lucky.
The only place worth living in California is the San Diego area. It has the best (aka perfect) weather which is a big deal to me and there's a ton of shit to do. However, any place in California unless it's a shithole is really expensive so you might as well kiss that idea goodbye.

I've never lived in Texas but I've heard good things about Corpus Christi. I think any place in the southwest would be cool to live, but nothing trumps Hawaii so fuck em!
I'm not a real violinist, just a hobby player who likes playing with rock/country/metal/folk acts and wants to join a community orchestra. I have no REAL training and took violin lessons at school from grades 5-12 and played in the college orchestra for a couple years. I like playing Metallica lead guitar parts on the violin for fun.

MD is expensive stuff. Everyone I know from there is pretty well off or extremely poor, hardly any middle ground.

edit: King Drunkard, I love San Diego but yeah $$$$$. And Corpus Christi? Seriously? I always imagined it's nothing but obese religious people there.
Stay away from Baltimore. More than half of the population is likely to mug you, and most of the places that aren't ghetto are filled with rednecks. There is an active art scene, however, but from what I've seen it's twenty-year-old hipsters or crazy new age dudes with dreads who call themselves names like Tao Zu or Mahagaja.

Besides, it snows nearly every winter, and spring is either rainy and depressing or filled with so much pollen that people without allergies show symptoms.

The bay looks like diarrhea, and the public transport is sub-par. However, it does offer pretty much a non-stop show of a typical ghetto movie if you go to Park Heights or Cherry Hill. I was up near Cherry Hill once and this black guy was getting handcuffed . He yelled "I don't have no drugs" and the police burst out laughing. He started laughing with the police since he apparently had no idea that they were laughing at him.
^^seriously. If you're thinking of California, live in San Diego. It beats the shit out of LA. Regarding Texas, keep in mind that Austin is totally unlike the rest of the state (i.e. DFW). Austin is great for young people, but Dallas/Fort Worth (having lived there and been there too many times to count) is kind of depressing. If you like mountains and variety in your land, Texas is not for you. If you like variety in your weather, then Texas is for you.

move to oregon
Oregon? I'd get flayed alive in Portland for not recycling properly. I haven't really considered the Northwest at all because I dislike cloudy days and rain.

I'm from suburban Albany NY originally which is probably the most "average" sort of place one can grow up in. Boring restaurant/arts/music scene, shopping malls with big parking lots, a couple concert venues that mostly attract boring mainstreamish acts or too-underground crappy punk bands, and a handful of bars/clubs that cater to BROS.
Oh yeah I wasn't assuming every person in Phoenix is a xenophobic dumbass, sorry if it came off like I was. I couldn't afford to stay in upscale white neighborhoods even if I wanted to.

What is it about the eastern 2/3 of the country that you dislike, Dakryn? Would be interesting to hear.

Different depending on where at. The Midwest has some of the most boring vistas possible, and a lot of people who have never been out of their state. East of the Mississippi is too populated, and mostly by the ignorant.

The scenery in the western 1/3 of the country is incredible (excluding large chunks of CA,NM, and WY) and the people are generally much more independent and/or accepting (excluding the coastal metros of CA).
If your into metal id go to Cleveland or Pittsburg. If you want less crowded mess stay out east, California is so packed and there is no jobs out here. Texas might be your best bet, or Tennessee. Oregon is nice too, and New York has lots of metal too but a very busy place.
California is not awesome. Let me explain. If you think it's easy living out here think again. One thing that sucks is finding a car, hope you know where the local auction is. Plus you have to have all your cars smoged for 150 bucks each. The state is broke so they are pulling people over left and right ticket fees have doubled and tripled. It's so crowded out here it's insane, finding a job right now is insane. Plus the gangs out here are running amok. You'll get shot in the wrong area by just wearing red or blue. Robbery is everywhere, home invasions are high. California is a scary place to be right now.
No. There are jobs in the bay area... if you graduated college and have skill (i put in my resume to 3 gyms in the area and got a response back from all 3; one of the gyms even wanted me so much they were trying to sell themselves and said if anything ever went wrong to hit them up so i could go with them). Also cars are not hard to find (wtf are you talking about?) though gas is expensive and all the others apply, and I have no idea where you're getting the gang stuff from. There are gangs all over SF and in oakland who are very violent but not in regards to colors; you're more likely to get shot or beaten for being white walking around on mandella park way in west oakland (which almost happened to me and i had to run from some guys to get to bart because there were 3 of them shouting YO WHITEY GET OVER HERE) than for wearing a red item.

Bay area kicks fucking ass if you have money or some sort of skill. If you're a minimum wage average job worker though yeah you better love it haha
Where do you live dude, Compton? I don't know how much more hyperbolic you can get.
I haven't been to Austin but it's always sounded awesome to me. Definitely high on my "places to vacation" list.
The cancer rate is high here too because the pollution is so fucking bad. Lots of cranksters and drunk drivers killing people. Illegal aliens raping and killing. Gang wars at the border taking hostages and blowing people away in numbers. Druggies everywhere, Earthquakes, Mudslides, pollution. California has turned into a shithole.
The top 10 states ranked by number of auto thefts in 2006

10.New York

The top 10 metro areas with highest auto theft rates in 2006:

1.Las Vegas/Paradise, NV
2.Stockton, CA
3.Visalia/Porterville, CA
4.Phoenix/Mesa/Scottsdale, AZ
5.Modesto, CA
6.Seattle/Tacoma/Bellevue, WA
7.Sacramento/Arden-Arcade/Roseville, CA
8.Fresno, CA
9.Yakima, WA
10.Tucson, AZ

I think those cities would be off any prospective mover's list, regardless of auto theft. Stockton, Modesto, and Fresno? BARF :yuk:
As an artist have you considered New York City ( 5 boroughs )?

I know nice places outside the city like Queens,Forest Hills or Staten Island that are really safe, chill and only 40 min away from Manhattan. You could get a nice one bedroom for about 1200.