Where are good places to live in the U.S.?

LOL Alteredmindeath been watching a little too much "Monty Python and the Holy Grail?"

I hate New York City. Sorry.
Alteredmindeath what are you on about? I can't imagine an easier place to find a cheap car than CA! Sure the car theft rates are high, that's why you get a brake lock for 70 bucks and you are set. Sure there's a way to steal the car with one in place, but it involves a fucking blowtorch...

Personally I've become disenchanted with America (or maybe just CA?) after 4 years of living here and am planning a move back to Europe, but I will definitely miss the insane amounts of concerts in LA as well as the low prices and extreme availability of food.
If CA is your only experience in America, you have been severly shortchanged.

Border states are going to have higher car theft rates due to proxemity, but I live closer to the border than Tucson or Phoenix and it's not like I fear to leave my car alone.
My choices in order would be:

1. Hawaii
2. Cape Coral/Ft. Myers/Naples area Florida (Ft. Myers is my hometown)
3. San Diego
4. Another country

I gotsta live in a tropical or relatively warm area with beaches mang, er brah. shyaaah
Alteredmindeath what are you on about? I can't imagine an easier place to find a cheap car than CA! Sure the car theft rates are high, that's why you get a brake lock for 70 bucks and you are set. Sure there's a way to steal the car with one in place, but it involves a fucking blowtorch...

Personally I've become disenchanted with America (or maybe just CA?) after 4 years of living here and am planning a move back to Europe, but I will definitely miss the insane amounts of concerts in LA as well as the low prices and extreme availability of food.

Shit in Ohio I was getting nice cars for under a thousand bucks. In Cali I couldn't find anything less than $2,000.
Honestly, my brother moved to Denver for a job and loves the place. It fits all your requirements. Not overly expensive, job market is quite decent.

I'm applying for jobs at various universities/collges in the States, and having done some casual research, I'd love to work in somewhere like Boulder or Santa Fe. They have an open posting for an associate chemistry prof that I am thinking about applying to at UNM.
If yoiu don't like white people Cali would be good for you since whites are the fucking minority there

FUCK I HAD NO IDEA! all those points you made before really didn't get me but this just enrages me, i never noticed that the state is extremely diverse and the fact that i can't feel safe unless my white brothers are around me at all times in large numbers! i better leave before the mexicans and asians completely take over and do horrible horrible things to me with their foreigner secret agenda.

seriously you get bothered by really weird things; all of the things you mentioned are true but that's the price you pay to live in a state with amazing cities, pretty mild weather and awesome culture everywhere instead of living in a completely dead and boring state. i'm not bothered by the high prices because i work hard, i'm not bothered by the car thefts and crime in certain areas because i either try to avoid it, don't park my car in sketchy places or use public transportation (i work literally in 3 different places in the bay area and can get to all via public transit very easily) and i'm not bothered that there are other races and cultures in the area because i'm not some xenophobic douchebag who judges people and can't feel comfortable unless he's surrounded by other white people (the only time it's bothersome is when in china town the bus runs slowly because people can't understand that you have to step up off the stairs for the bus to move or other communication issues). if you hate it so much just move to the middle of nowhere, usa and live in a small house in the center of a giant flat desert and i guarantee you you'll run into none of those problems.
Good get enraged mother fucker..

At least I know how to speak fucking english unlike these illegal bastards that come here and steal jobs.And Fuck no the asians and mexicans don't like white people they hate them they want to take over the goddamn state. IF they could they would abolish the english language, they think Cali should turn into their country. Why do you think white power groups are growning in the numbers out here. If you don't have money California is nothing, everything is overpriced they are making it rich mans state. Glad it enrages you fuckface
-Active music/arts scene
-Metro population over 100,000
-Political diversity, aka not mega-conservative or only-liberal
-A snowball's chance in hell at getting an OK job with an arts degree (B.A.)
-Winters not too snowy
-My retired parents could settle nearby and live comfortably on just Social Security payments/savings
-Proximity to a decent airport

I would say portland or seattle would fit the bill. i live in portland and it pretty much fits all of those, i personally want to move far far away but thats because i've lived here so long. has a great arts/music scene, its very young people orientated....everyone is the artsy fartsy type with art degrees trying to form innovative business' etc. winter is kind of lackluster for the most part, we get snow usually but like 1 or 2 inches. the airport is 20 minutes away and is very nice. also oregon is very sparse with cities and portland is really the only big one in the whole damn state, lots of small areas for your parents to settle in, and a plethora of suburbs around portland. it's very much a "little big city"

the biggest downfall, for some, is that it rains 2/3 of the year.
ive been to seattle a few times (cousin lives there) and it really does seem nice aside from the rain. its nice and green, cool, refreshing, has culture and all around seems like it wouldnt be a bad place to live (and my cousin and his wife can afford to live there despite being mid 20s, married and i dont think have super intense high paying careers)
Shit the metal scene in Cleveland kills the Bay area metal scene. Cleveland has so many metal concerts it's crazy since I've lived out here near the bay area I havent seen any good bands coming around here at all. In Ohio I hade a nice big apartment for 420 a month, Cali wants $750-800. The only thing good about Cali is no major winters, but it's hot as hell in the summer especially in the Bay area.
Shit the metal scene in Cleveland kills the Bay area metal scene. Cleveland has so many metal concerts it's crazy since I've lived out here near the bay area I havent seen any good bands coming around here at all. In Ohio I hade a nice big apartment for 420 a month, Cali wants $750-800. The only thing good about Cali is no major winters, but it's hot as hell in the summer especially in the Bay area.
