Where Are They Now?

yeah it seems a bit odd, but then again i guess he can just tweet whatever without much interaction

also, twitter monitors if someone posts a racism, so there ya go.

RC is Thunderdome. Anything goes. He cant handle the truth
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I'm actually a little offended that he's posting all that about Metal on TWITter instead of the FORUM HE CREATED. I mean if you want to rant about politics or post pictures of your food/pet/butt then OK. But if you're gonna talk about Metal GTFIRC.

I guess it's like being on RC but he gets to make all the threads. Which yeah actually sounds no fun at all.
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Well the "wacism" is what drove him off. He couldve easily banned me or told me to fuck irl instead of drinking 30 rounds with me at HC. I dont see why he cant come back amiably and square things up. Id shut my cheesepipe and keep things civil, im not a prick. Countless posts from HIS end making tongue n cheek racisms in jest stoked the flames if anything. Do I have to dig up posts of him laughing at some my old rants? Seems a bit hypocritical if ye ask me.

Shouldve hit me with a private mssg and told me to chill rather than running off to faggy ass Twatter.

Also couldve chopped it up with me when I saw him at a gig and invited him over for brews on my dime. Nah he opted to huddle in the corner with Gugs and tandem noodled. Love the cat and all, but grow a spine. All we have is discourse, dont run from your creation.

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"As time passed, the forum began to attract a different sort of poster. I suspect this had to do with the discussions regarding NSBM and some of its offshoot sub-genres. While these discussions were never an issue in the past, they slowly began to be. In the past, folks like JayKeeley, Dark One and Guggs viewed the genre as having musical value, but laughed off the lyrics as being no more worthy of critical consideration than those of Satanic bands offering praise to Lucifer. However, as time passed, it seemed that some posters started praising the message and a racistundercurrent began to appear.

As Ali would later tell me, it got to the point where you could Google certain racist topics and wind up with links to Royal Carnage threads. Suffice it to say, this was not the vision he had when he, Dark One and Guggs began the forum. Given that JK had neither the time nor the inclination to fight with these posters on a daily basis or try to undo the damage that already had been done to the Royal Carnage name, he and Deron agreed to rename the forum. Why it was renamed instead of closed is a topic I won't go into, out of respect to both Ali and Deron."

This is so overly dramatic and disheartening. A simple PM couldve alleviated any misunderstanding and heart ache. "Hey knob stop posting non-pc rants on my forum, kthnxbye." Why all the drama which called out anyone by name?

Same thing with Jason. He left the forum because I told him "hey bud, I dont think its the best idea going to a certain part of LA thats riddled with gibbons." Dude legit lost it that I was looking out for his best interest. If he was from the area I wouldnt give two shits. But seeing as he was not, I gave him fair warning. "Uhh dear white sir, you may end up shiv'd in that neighborhood." Dude got butt hurt and never heard from again.

Like fuck man, if I was a tourist I'd love someone to say, "yea ye might not want to venture in to Little Haiti after dark."

Yea i'm a royal p.o.s lads.
Just doubled checked through last batch of texts. "Yep."


I just love saying "ye" bruh. Its pretty much the only short handed text jargon I use. Makes everything roll poetically off my fingertips.

See how easy it is to call someone out on something folks? Ken doesnt need to start a twitter feed filled with VOLA, KAYO DOT, THOu, and All his other favorites away from here. Just come right out and say "cut the Shakespearean jargon."

Communication is Love.
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