Where are you guys from?

Australia.......yeh it's hot sometimes....don't come in August....that's when we have severe SE winds hehe. Still spiders then too!
Right now it's supposed to be winter and its about 22deg. cel and sunny......ahhh.....
Originally posted by chileanmetal

El mejor desenladrillador de ladrillos desenladrillara el cielo, y una vez que este desenladrillado no hara falta que sea desenladrillado de nuevo...

Am I The Chosen One?? ;)

Eres puertorriqueño y vives en belgica?

It will depend on your naked pic if you are the chosen one or not ;) :lol:

no seriously. soy belga, no se por que yo he dicho puerto rico. :) y en el mes septiembre yo me voy en Rossia por dos anos.
yo solo hablo un poco espanol, algunas palabras de amor por las chicas ;) y me siento pero ti interpretation no es el correcto :) :lol:
Originally posted by Eclipse

It will depend on your naked pic if you are the chosen one or not ;) :lol:

no seriously. soy belga, no se por que yo he dicho puerto rico. :) y en el mes septiembre yo me voy en Rossia por dos anos.
yo solo hablo un poco espanol, algunas palabras de amor por las chicas ;) y me siento pero ti interpretation no es el correcto :) :lol:

You're going to russia for two asses? hahaha:lol: :p
I have quite some of Spanish and South-American friends (Ecuador, Venezuela). I lived about 8 months in Jena, a city in Germany, and I didn't know anyone, being the only Belgian there.

After a few weeks, I got to know a bunch of Spanish students and they kind of adopted me. ;) The result is that when people start speaking to me in German, I still reply in Spanish :lol: