Where are you guys from?

Originally posted by sinsofman
lol....well actually he does look a bit like him but he has silver hair. His name is roy.....do u know him? He moved to australia 35 years ago? remember him? hehe
Shouting at?.....

yes i think i do, did he used to drive a train? im sure its him,did he have a low key celebrity status?

goes by the name of roy you say? im trying to think how many roys i know!!

not many!! erm, ive actually forgotten my point!

im just gonna leave!!!
Well, I live in Germany but I was born in Poland

@Lady Mordeth:
I think everyone here would like to see how everone here looks like. Perhaps we should think about something like that. Someone must start so here I am:

I think I'm not the person to begin something like that. But perhaps next time when I'll be drunk enough???:D