Where do you guys put your mixing elements?

I was searching for a plugin that would mono the bass since I first saw it on the internal mixing dvd. Just found out that I can achieve the same results on osx with nugen monofilter and brainworx bx_control V2. Thanks for bringing this topic back to my mind morgan c!
TP Basslane plugin, lets you set everything below a certain frequency to mono. Super useful this situation or say, using a Z4/5 Kick sample - you can have it loud and stereo, but keeps your kick bass nice and centred. Or if you wanted to put chorus on your bass guitar to stereofy it, whilst keeping the lowend centred. And its free![/QUOTE]

Cheers, I'm going to try this out!
Everything I have ever read or heard is that the the lower the frequency, the less the human brain can process directionality. So panning low frequency instruments is a bit pointless IMHO.
You know just enough to get yourself in to trouble here. The lower the frequency is the harder it is to determine directionality until somewhere under 100hz it become indistinguishable-- you are right about that. But you need to remember that both kick and bass have information going all the way up to 10k+. In fact, most metal kicks rely as much on 2k-10k as they do on 0-100hz.
Snare panned to like 30 can be cool in a short part for an effect, anything more gets tiresome pretty quick.
Yeah I always felt like the Arctic Monkeys had pretty uneven panning, but to be honest it sounds pretty interesting for the most part. Especially the way they tend to pan the two guitar parts.

I have tried the wide panning of the kick drum before and it did not have favorable results...