Where have all the minorities gone?

Naku ist krig

Active Member
Jan 16, 2002
Ever thought that no-one has ever told us the he is for example homosexuell?
Is that person x could be so afraid how we would greet him if he found out to be gay.
What?!? are we prejudiced nazies?

Or, do we include murderes in our troops? Mentally unstable one?
(and btw, i am not coming out of the closet)

Now, think of that.
*glares at MagSec* mow my lawn you bloody latin criminal! although it's covered with snow right now, but it's not the kind of snow you're used to!

I'm a norrlänning. That's enough to inspire quite a lot of prejudices in this country ;) I say nothing except 'ô' and that's only when the occasion requires me to speak, otherwise I remain silent. I drink moonshine from large plastic cans on a daily basis, I hunt moose while wearing green rubber boots. I am one with the forest. My snowmobile is holy. As I am one with the forest, and live in it, I haven't seen another human being for 15 years. So I've started talking to the reindeer. And they talk back...
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Northern Lights said:
*glares at MagSec* mow my lawn you bloody latin criminal! although it's covered with snow right now, but it's not the kind of snow you're used to!
:lol: Oh my god, I've never heard so much stereotypical prejudice in such a short sentence.. My brother's going to love this one.
*saves in text file*
Norrlänning and proud. I say divide Sweden with a straight line somewhere below Sundsvall and give the southern part to the Danes, we proper Swedes sure as fuck don't want anything to do with it. Ôh.
I'm a minority. I may tell more about myself later... or not.

@Erik: you're Swedish, so you must be hot. ;)
I'm a minority here because I'm a girl from Texas that listens to metal. However I don't fit all the Texas stereotypes, just a few ;)

I have eaten: Squirrel, deer, alligator, crawfish (we call them crawdads), wild boar, and grits. But I haven't had possum pie yet! We pronounce pecan as "pee-con" NOT "pee-can" (stress is on the bold syllable). Deep fried turkey is a Texas Thanksgiving Day delight! :p Chili is taken very seriously here, as are all things beef.

I have lived in a trailer before (that's a house on wheels). They are scary in storms because of the threat of tornadoes. You are actually told to leave your trailer and GO OUTSIDE in a tornado because it's SAFER outside!!! :guh:

I have seen guests come in tube tops to a wedding.

I say "ya'll" and "I'm fixin' to" a lot, and I speak with a southern drawl.

I nearly hit a coyote the other day when I swerved to miss an Armadillo in the road.

A cattle guard is not a person or animal.

George W. Bush is actually liked around here (imagine that :lol: ).

The sheriff and his deputes really do wear big cowboy hats just like they show on TV.

I used to live in a town that decorates a big oil pumping unit as Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer every year for Christmas.
@His Divine Shadow: Do you own firearms and/or drive a pickup truck? ;)
Arch said:
@His Divine Shadow: Do you own firearms and/or drive a pickup truck? ;)

:D No, but my dad has both! Oh yeah, it's legal to carry a concealed gun in this state too (just gotta get a permit). Most people just have guns for hunting. Guns scare me though!
@ Northern Lights: :lol: Wonderful description! That's exactly how I've always thought norrlänningar are. :D

Ok, so I live in Turku, which is a town on the west coast of Finland. People in Finland (especially in Helsinki and Tampere) say that people in Turku are self-centered, rude, difficult to understand (due to the dialect) and aren't willing to expect anyone but a fellow inhabitant of the Turku region. The only one of these characteristics that matches me is that I'm self-centered. :Smug: Then again, I've only lived in Turku for 2 to 3 years, so I'll probably get there in time... :p

Thanatos said:
what is a norrlänning? can you go a little farther than "swedish redneck" ?
It's not like that at all actually. That's just a stereotype some people from Stockholm and such places have. Sweden is divided into three pieces: Götaland, Svealand and Norrland. Norrland is the northernmost (and the most beautiful, the one with the most tolerable people etc.) Norrlänningar live in Norrland.


Norrland, the most wondrous land of majestic nature and silent people.


Svealand, densely populated (for Sweden anyway) with Stockholm and all that fancy (*cough*gay*cough*) stuff.


Götaland: this is where they talk funny and play melodic metal.

Now there are 100s of stereotypes about norrlänningar all of which are severely exaggerated. Now on the contrary, in Norrland there's a stereotype that in Stockholm people are homosexual, narcissistic shallow morons, which as far as I can tell is entirely true.

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@his divine shadow: I´m just waiting for you to say something like "I have 18 siblings and I´m married to my own cousin" and then you are my prejudiced stereotype of a Texas hillbilly. :)

and for you igloo living heathens: go club a polar bear and eat palt or something. you´re just envious because we have fancy things like electricity, busses that go more often than once per day, houses, plus degrees and so on. fjollträsk ruuuules. :D
by the way I´m quite convinced that all norrlänningar are alcoholics. don´t know if I mean that as a good or bad thing, though.
Delirious said:
@his divine shadow: I´m just waiting for you to say something like "I have 18 siblings and I´m married to my own cousin" and then you are my prejudiced stereotype of a Texas hillbilly. :)

Haha no I'm not that bad! :loco:

Delirious said:
and for you igloo living heathens: go club a polar bear and eat palt or something. you´re just envious because we have fancy things like electricity, busses that go more often than once per day, houses, plus degrees and so on. fjollträsk ruuuules. :D
by the way I´m quite convinced that all norrlänningar are alcoholics. don´t know if I mean that as a good or bad thing, though.

It's quite funny to read about these stereotypes of other countries. I'm learning a lot about the true nature of Swedes by reading this thread! ;)
Wolfman Von Jones said:
I think its funny when people think there are tons of gangsters running around Chicago :lol:. Also, 55% of my town is black, so Im a minority.


That's funny cause I did sorta think that! :D

I'm a minority cause Texas has a lot of Mexicans, but that's ok because I LOVE authentic mexican food and I'm learning to speak some Spanish. :)