Where is everybody coming from???

Coming from Heaven as well, although if we don't get some rain soon, I think it will be more like hell. :hotjump:

non metal moment - Saw the Captain and Tennille in 1975. Scary stuff! I was young, but I have since completed the 12 step to get over the whole experience.


Coming in from Brookfield, IL...just west of Chicago. Driving down on a m'cycle.

non metal moment - taking the ex-wife to see Michael Bolton...although he used to rock in his early days. at least he had long hair...
junnie from the east said:
Hi to people whom i don't know, i haven't been around here for a while.. so please be kind :wave: i'm from Tokyo, Japan.

Junnie, you must make it!!!! I so look forward to meeting you! I think you have everyone beat for longest flight! :grin:
raiderdeath1 said:
My wife and I are making the 11 hour drive from Lansing, Michigan

Wave when you drive by!

(We're in Ann Arbor, MI) (And we'll be there at PP)

My most non-metal moment? Um. I cross-stitch. Pretty things. People don't think it's metal. Alas, I do. :rock:
I'm flying in from my apartment, which is 12 miles northeast of Earthlink. Delta has the only non-stop, but being Delta, it costs, oh, only about $1300. :)

Non-metal moments.... Well, anytime I'm at, say, an Ozric Tentacles, Dead Can Dance or Cruxshadows concert. :D

Anyone live closer than 10 miles (I'm between Decatur and Chamblee)? Jim Raggi used to be the clear winner in this department, since he used to live about 5 blocks from the venue. (!)
junnie from the east said:
I want to say like this when i get married *again* :)
Hi to people whom i don't know, i haven't been around here for a while.. so please be kind :wave: i'm from Tokyo, Japan.
This is my second time since PP3, and every year i was hoping "this's gonna be the second time" but this year, i'll make it by all means!

My non-metal moment.. the worst and saddest moment was, last year, on the same day of PP i had to attend the conference wearing business suits, exchanging name cards with the businessmen from Europe...imagining everybody having their best time of their lives seeing Savatage, Edguy, Tad Morose or Brainstorm..

This year i would quit my job if something like this happens. i shall return Atlanta :rock:

Yeah but Junnie you are making the MOST metal moment by coming this year as compared to last!!!You get the record for bringing the most metal heads from across the world too!!!

Coming in from Brookfield, IL...just west of Chicago. Driving down on a m'cycle.

Kings Gene... We need to talk bro... Next year I'd love to do that with ya... I plan on Buying a 1300 VTX in the spring... My KZ750 is just not econmical for this year though...
Me and 5 other guys are coming from Houston for our first Prog Power.

I think I can beat the Julio Iglesia guy. I flew to Las Vegas to see Brittany Spears with O-Town openning, the show that was on HBO, and to top it off, they ended up making a DVD out of it. The only saving grace of the show was her playing the encore in white lingerie with water pouring over her.
I'll be one of the local dudes at the show. I live in the metro Atlanta area. This will be my 3rd straight appearance at PPUSA. Hail! I used to actually live in Brookfield, IL , among many other places. Hail! Anybody coming here from TEXAS, where I'm originally from? Hail! See y'all there!
OK, one of you dudes MUST be the tall blonde long-haired dude that I ALWAYS see front and center at every PP fest. I also saw you at the Manowar/Rhapsody show. So, which one of them is you, and where do you live? I live in the North Metro Area, as well. Hail!