Where is everyone from that posts in this forum?

haha well i guess compared to LA it would seem that way, but its more like a rich suburb than a small hicktown...i dunno, its norcal. only crappy indie/pop/punk bands will actually come play in Davis, but Sac is like 20 min away and SF is like hour, hour and a half so you can still hit all the tours without too much hastle.
18/male/Alberta, Canada

Get your fuckin asses here you guys are fuckin awesome. We have so many bands skip or cancel on us. Opeth canceled at the beginning of this year and in flames, children of bodom, iced earth, and evergrey skipped us this month to go to Vancouver fuckin sucks. Hopefully the rumors of Cannibal Corpse and Decapitated coming are true.
25/M/Temple City, California/U.S. of A.
Heeeey, Zach here.
From Olympia, washington which is about an hour south of Seattle, metal killing capitol of the world (grunge reference... though we did make up for it with Nevermore). Also, i'm 19/m