Where is Markgugs?

I'm not sure if he's quit the entire internet because his recent hobby was the whole bootleg thing if you remember. I think at one point, he was using so much bandwidth, his cable company temporarily disconnected him!

Other than that, new job, new life -- we exchange the occasional e-mail. He knows about my son being born for sure. My life doesn't allow me to go out as much so I haven't seen him in a few months (since I started working in Cincinnati at least).
i have a feeling we will never ask the same question about NAD's whereabouts .. hehehe
lurch70 said:
i have a feeling we will never ask the same question about NAD's whereabouts .. hehehe
Shit no dude, not unless I get another job that requires me to stay off the internet. :loco:

Markboobs needs to reappear for awhile, the rule of thumb seems to be within one month of someone asking "where's 'Gugs!?" he'll appear and completely miss out on these roast type threads. :Spin: