Where should I move (in the UK)?


New Metal Member
May 6, 2014
Edinburgh, Scotland
So I've been living in Edinburgh for almost a year now, and while it's a beautiful city, it lacks any metal scene at all. So now that my apartment's contract is about to run out I've been thinking about where I should move to next.

My main concerns are, of course, whether or not there are jobs to the city I relocate; but also, is there a metal scene? Are there local metal bands? Are there metal clubs and pubs? Are there people who are knowledgeable about the genre with whom to have proper conversations?

Taking into account all of these considerations, what town or city would be the best for me? I've been thinking about Manchester, but to be fair, I don't really know much about how things really are anywhere, and looking on the internet doesn't seem to be helping much.

tl;dr: help a UM member relocate to a UK city.
Oxford is cool. I met metalheads when I was there at the Gloucester Arms, but according to Google it's closed down. You aren't too far from London in any case.
Going by Last.fm, Manchester does have a bit going on. Unsurprising given the general area is 2nd to London by population.

Birmingham looks a bit quieter, but still not terrible. It's the home of Black Sabbath and Judas Priest so I'd be disappointed if the streets aren't dripping with metal. Plus, you'd be closer to London in case you want to go to any concerts there.
Or you could just move to somewhere around London. I spent 2 years in/around Harrow and there was plenty of metal going on and it was nice and close to the city for gigs.