Where to get CDS


Sep 8, 2003
Someone knows where i can get the Downfall and Children of Bodom (Hate Me/YboD) SINGLES? Original, new fresh copy's?

(Or someone from Norway here can sell me?)

Please :)
Whoa! Some rip-off prices in that gemm.com site!

$77 for CoB single and Downfall single? No way man!

I have like 4 copies of the first single, 3 copies of Downfall (2 of them are the limited ones), 3 copies of Hate Me and 3 copies of YBOD. I guess I could sell some of those, but I dunno if I have the heart for it.... :lol:
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Well, I'm pretty sure that Swampmusic doesn't have the first single or Downfall. They might have Hate Me, and they sure as hell have YBOD.
I thought about Children of Bodom and Downfall, thou.

Hate Me and YBOD is in the shops here right now... Just dont have money :\

DAMMIT 77 bux for TWO singles *gasp* *die*

not good..