Where we stand on MADFEST


Old as Yoda
Jan 11, 2005
Just to let everyone know the status of the festival:

1. All bands confirmed, and slots decided, still waiting on MINDFLOW's visas, but they have a date for them.

2. Sound man confirmed, and he is the best.

3. Hotel deals confirmed.

4. Venue ready and waiting.

5. Backline confirmed, thanks Drew, and Darren, and Don.

6, Poster completed and deal in place to print, thanks Louie at Raytheon, and my brutha Bryan

7. Rock Nation ad confirmed and will be sent in ASAP.

8. Ticket prices set.

9. Going today to work a deal on Crew shirts

10. Doing my taxes today OH GOD!!!!! how much do I owe this year

11. Making CD today for breaks while we change over

12. Buying Bass guitar for my daughter later today(Spector per Shane):headbang:

Only thing left to do is some catering for the bands, and pickup service for bands going from out of town oh yeah my daughter Mary is doing that.

I hope that everyone is ready for what I believe will be an awesome show lots og great music, good friends and new friends, lots of good food. I know i am ready.

...I hope that everyone is ready for what I believe will be an awesome show lots of great music, good friends and new friends, lots of good food. I know i am ready.


Hoyt is set on 'go'. :headbang:

can't wait to see the bands in action; can't wait to see old friends and meet new ones; can't wait to taste that authentic Texas BBQ! YUM-O!

woohoo! :kickass: John and Tammy ROCK!!! Cheers to you both!
so... *tumbleweeds roll by*

ummm... *crickets chirping*

when are tickets slated to go on sale? I mean, this event is now less than 4 months away. And there hasn't been much hype about it yet (that I'm aware of) beyond these forums and the PPUSA forums. How is the main website coming along? I think maybe we should start promoting the bejeezus out of Texas Madfest now that a ticket price has been finalized and everything else is in place.

Right? :err:

or am I missing something within the big picture? :loco:
All tickets will be sold at the door, as i don't want to have to deal with the ticket sales companies, and plus the venue doesn't like it either.

We will have ads coming out in some major newspapers and magazines, and yes start the word of mouth promoting by all means.

The website designer (Mosquito) has had some problems, but he is on track to get everything up and running in a few days.

Thanks for all the concern, and by all means Promote the festival by any means possible.
cool - and sorry if I missed the memo on the tickets-at-the-door deal.

And I was just curious about the website so I can link that along with the MySpace page (some people hate MySpace with every iota of their soul) when I am promoting Texas Madfest.

ok, all is good in the world. Things just got awfully quiet here for the past few days, so I was getting a little antsy. :oops: :p

carry on. :headbang:
Still allot to do, but I am working my ass off trying to get it done. Some things kinda went haywire over the last week or two, so here is a recap.

1. Taxes done, wooohoooooo got a refund though not as big as expected.

2. Bought bass guitar for Rachel(Spector 5 String, with a small Line 6 bass amp)

3. Still searching for a good t-shirt deal, thanks to Bryan for the shirt logo.

4. Crew shirts same thing.

5. Printing here at my work fell through, damn company policies, but have another set up.

6. Sent add to Rock nation again thanks Bryan, will pay for it today.

7. Need to set up some ads on Houston radio stations, need some help here finding the right ones.

so i guess i can take a weekend off and do some family things, NOT!!!!! Gotta work on all the little details. And do some Planning with my partners for Next year, How does Daytona Beach sound?????? Let me know if that is something you would like to try and do.

Oh Yeah photos set up thanks Bobby and the guys in Outworld and thanks to Squeak(photo Mistress)
Got some little things to take care of this week, and it will be all done, YEAH RIGHT!!!!!

1. Crew shirts ordered(they will be awesome)

2. T-shirts, well they are trying to do them for me at a good price so it doesn't break me.

3. May have something cool to add for Friday night if it pans out.

4. Taking daughter to get a piercing. I may get another also

5. Mail check to Glenn for Redemption sponsorship.

6. Check on MINDFLOW visa's(getting worried about them), but have backup in place if needed.

7. Relax a little this week, as I am a little stressed with my oldest daughters wedding, TEXAS MADFEST, and work, and other things, but i will be okay just need a day or two off.
Take it easy if you can, John... after all this work you and Tammy have put into Texas Madfest, I'd hate to see you get carted away by the guys in white coats because you went (more) crazy. :)

Congratulations on your eldest daughter's wedding also!
Crew shirts are being made as we speak, and they are gonna be awesome, Tammy is looking into getting some t-shirts done. No word on the visa's yet, and frankly I am getting worried, but i will give them a week or two more.

Other things in the works - Hmmmmmmm can't say anything about that as it is gonna be a surprise.

well basically everything is done, except getting the artist, VIP, and crew badges done.

So we are on track and ahead of schedule.
All tickets will be sold at the door, as i don't want to have to deal with the ticket sales companies, and plus the venue doesn't like it either.

We will have ads coming out in some major newspapers and magazines, and yes start the word of mouth promoting by all means.

The website designer (Mosquito) has had some problems, but he is on track to get everything up and running in a few days.

Thanks for all the concern, and by all means Promote the festival by any means possible.

Uhm. Question. If they're sold as the door, then how is there any guarantee that those of us that come from out of state wont get there and the tix will be sold out? You never know.
Uhm. Question. If they're sold as the door, then how is there any guarantee that those of us that come from out of state wont get there and the tix will be sold out? You never know.

We will have a will call list for the out of staters, and will hold that number of tickets, so that when they get there there will be a ticket for them. PM me with your info and we will hold the tickets for you. name, contact info and # of tickets.

We will have a will call list for the out of staters, and will hold that number of tickets, so that when they get there there will be a ticket for them. PM me with your info and we will hold the tickets for you. name, contact info and # of tickets.


John, please send that info to me since I already have the master list. Please send me any other names as well.


If you wish, you can also send a message to the Texas Madfest MySpace profile: myspace.com/madfest

John & I will personally move pool tables and chairs to get everyone in!! :headbang:
