
MetalMeshuggahMan said:
do u know of its location? i only found out about it from mates, its right across the road from the victoria market.
elizabeth st is on the right side of the market, and heartlands is on the left side.

i haven't bought anything from there yet as i have no money :D, but once i do im gonna get some Firebird.
I've been there quite a few times, but oddly enough I still have trouble finding it. :p I think they're having a 20%-off-everything sale at the moment.

what the fuck is with that? metal jumpers use to be $45 at Smoke Dreams but last time i checked their going for like $100 :OMG:

also what is up with the bottom floor being changed into a tattoo parlour? its fucked, and their cd range has gone down drastically, its hardly even a metal store now :(
Yeah it's a bloody shame what's happened to Smoke Dreams... I dunno why they decided to get rid of the metal section, maybe not enough shit was being sold? And indeed, getting metal t-shirts/hoodies/etc anywhere around Melbourne for less than $45-$50 is a challenge.

i've never had a problem really, but i do really hate that fat cunt, and i assure as to many others that i have talked to, every bit of bad feedback that i have heard about the joint has to do with him.

is nick the young fella with blonde hair? cause that guy kicks arse, he is like ya local milk bar guy who u appreciate being served by. :headbang:
Nik's the owner of MM, he's got short curly brown hair. The only blonde guy I've ever seen working in there is named Steve, although I haven't been in there for a while now.

You'd think Nik would've got a heap of complains about Sash by now (the "fat cunt" :lol: ) but I suppose not...
Chow Mai Dong said:
Nik's the owner of MM, he's got short curly brown hair. The only blonde guy I've ever seen working in there is named Steve, although I haven't been in there for a while now.
oh yeahhhh i know who Nik is, never spoken to him, but i've seen him at Meet & Greets. The blonde guy use to work there every saturday, this was back in 2001 or 2002, thats when i use to go there religiously to spend my youth allowance :p

someone should dress up as the Pirate Wiggle, Captain Featherbeard (i think thats his name) with a sword, parrot and all and run into Metal Mayhem screaming "YARRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" and kick Sash in the testicles. :mad:
MetalMeshuggahMan said:
someone should dress up as the Pirate Wiggle, Captain Featherbeard (i think thats his name) with a sword, parrot and all and run into Metal Mayhem screaming "YARRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" and kick Sash in the testicles. :mad:
BAHAHAHA! I'd pay good money to see that!

Does the place still smell like a urinal? :p
I think the smell of the place is something it has going for it, strangely enough. Sometimes I feel like I'm in a different universe to a lot of you people, as your observations about things are so very different to my own hahahaha.
requiem said:
Of course, if you want to make a querie about something they usually have no idea.

Me: Are you getting this album in?

Them: What label are they on?

Me: This label

Them: We usually get all their stuff. Are you sure it's out.

Me: Yes.

Them: Just keep sticking your head in to see if it arrives.

Me: ok...

I find that if you want to order stuff in, you just have to keep on them about it. They'll do it though, just needs persistence (like everything else at the moment).

I quite enjoy the place myself anyway. o_O
is nick the young fella with blonde hair? cause that guy kicks arse, he is like ya local milk bar guy who u appreciate being served by. :headbang:

nah that dude is Steve, Nick is older. They're all cool in my book, especially Pete (big dude w/shaved head) who usually works Sundays. He's definitely the most genuine dude there, truly loves his metal, and acts like what he says he is - simply a dude that loves his metal to death.
requiem said:
If you're after a great underground metal distro on the net, try www.redstream.org. I've ordered twice from there, and the order (from the US) got here in under a week on both occasions. Also check out the prices. With our dollar doing so well, most c.ds are $11US which today equals $14.30Aus. I recently bought three disks from there and including postage it only cost me $50.50 Australian. The same three c.ds in Metal Mayhem would have cost me about 90 bucks. It's almost half price....

Our dollar IS NOT doing well at all! The US dollar is doing shit! Our dollar is only 60 c give or take compared to the Euro which the US dollar used to be on level pegging with. The Aussie dollar is just the same as it has been for ages, no better. The US dollar is dropping. Just a passing thought! Don't give the Australian economy any credit!

I hope this is the last post on damn economics... sorry...
I (another dude who used to go to Metal Mayhem and by around 3 disks a week until I could no longer afford to do that) don't find them that expensive. I still regularly shop there (although not as regularly as I used to) and I usually get my disks from $27 - $29. (with a 50c - $1.50 discount). I've only paid $31 once or twice for a disk.

In all honesty you can certainly find most "easy to get" titles from other stores such as (insert name here) for a few dollars cheaper ($10 cheaper? Must be sale price on rare occassions) - as I am a regular JB shopper also (not as regular as metal mayhem for the record). If anyone honestly knows where to get them for $10 cheaper (no, not jb in the city, unless they're on sale or something) then let me know where! But you cannot beat Metal Mayhem's range - but then again that's my taste, they might not have the range for the tastes of others (?)

Heartland is great, they have a great second hand section (sometimes - most of the time it is at least decent). Once I went in there and bought a Megadeth cd and 3 Yngwie Malmsteen cd's (I know you wanna bag me now) for around $12 -+ each- all in perfect working order with mint cond. covers/sleeves. On some occassions you can be lucky enough to do that at heartland if they have the stuff for you. Also they still have quite a few videos (as opposed to dvd's) for those who don't have a dvd player which is good, and some very cool collector's item stuff...

Does anyone get into the bootlegs they have at Peril? Peril Underground is in an alley off Elizabeth st (at the start near flinders). The alley is right next to maccas, for anyone who doesn't know. They have some interesting and different stuff sometimes.

And since when was Missing Link better than Metal Mayhem or JB for metal? How do they want to help the local scene? "Please explain".

Anyone know of any other actual stores anywhere in melb or suburbs for this sort of thing? I heard about a place in Coburg somewhere, in International Trash any good? (near to Corner Hotel) Is Polyester Records any good? Does anyone know anywhere that still has any copies of "Lords of Chaos"? It's out of print at the moment.
augdem said:
And since when was Missing Link better than Metal Mayhem or JB for metal? How do they want to help the local scene? "Please explain".
Missing Link certainly doesn't have the range of MM or JB, although they do tend to get in a fair bit of stuff that nowhere else does, like some Southern Lord and some grind discs. I just meant that they're a store that seems genuinely interested in supporting local music, with having local bands playing in the store, letting anyone go in and put up flyers/posters for whatever they want, stocking shitloads of zines, friendly and helpful staff, that sort of thing. Friendly service isn't something I think of when I think of MM, and I've discovered that most discs I'd buy from there I can get at The End Records now, heh.

Anyone know of any other actual stores anywhere in melb or suburbs for this sort of thing? I heard about a place in Coburg somewhere, in International Trash any good? (near to Corner Hotel) Is Polyester Records any good? Does anyone know anywhere that still has any copies of "Lords of Chaos"? It's out of print at the moment.
International Trash is quite decent, it vaguely reminds me of Missing Link in that it also has a lot of punk/hardcore stuff. And check The Haunted Bookshop in the city, they usually have Lords Of Chaos. I got mine from Minotaur, though.
Chow Mai Dong said:
Missing Link certainly doesn't have the range of MM or JB, although they do tend to get in a fair bit of stuff that nowhere else does, like some Southern Lord and some grind discs. I just meant that they're a store that seems genuinely interested in supporting local music, with having local bands playing in the store, letting anyone go in and put up flyers/posters for whatever they want, stocking shitloads of zines, friendly and helpful staff, that sort of thing. Friendly service isn't something I think of when I think of MM, and I've discovered that most discs I'd buy from there I can get at The End Records now, heh.

International Trash is quite decent, it vaguely reminds me of Missing Link in that it also has a lot of punk/hardcore stuff. And check The Haunted Bookshop in the city, they usually have Lords Of Chaos. I got mine from Minotaur, though.

Ah fuck it, I give up. I tried both those places, even tried ordering it in from Minotaur. Both ended up telling me that it's out of print - there's no telling if the publisher will re-print. I guess I'll have to try second hand cool book stores, second hand on the net, etc. Haunted bookshop is cool eh?

What are the details of "The End Records"? Sounds good, I'll have to check it out. I suppose I have to check out alot more underground distro and distro on the net from what's in this thread.

Last time I went to ML there was this blonde bimbo who wasn't helpful at all... the type that pulls a face when they don't understand things (especially metal things) - I asked if they were getting in Dimmu Borgir tix (b4 it was cancelled of course). Generally they've been ok to me, nothing to sing about though - they just seem like anywhere else when it comes to helping local music in the way that they do. What 'zines for metal do they have? I've never seen any. I'm not trying to piss you off - if they have good 'zines in a certain part of the store, I'd like to know 'cause I've never seen them! Who's played in there b4? Sounds interesting.

Back to Lords of Chaos - I heard from a friend that "if you want a good laugh, get Lords of Chaos - those guys were the biggest dumbshit dick heads ever" (or smething along those lines). Is that a fair description? That would be a shame - thought it could be a really interesting in depth insight into everything to do with it - as opposed to a portrayal of a bunch of mindless zombies doing dumbshit - I really hope that's not what it is. If I was into something like that I'd pull my dick and be very sad and watch things like "Jackass", or "Lameass" as it is more appropriately titled on CNNNN. Seriously though, what are your thoughts on it?
I highly doubt 'Lords of Chaos' is out of print considerig it was getting an update a couple of years ago. I used to work at Borders in the Jam Factory and I ordered it from there and it came in (a couple of years ago now). I know it sucks, but Borders can get just about everything in. Give it a try. If they say it's out of print then it probably is.

By the way, for those unfamiliar with 'Lords of Choas', yet are interested in the more 'outgoing' events of the early 90's black metal scene in Norway, the book is a great chronicle of those events. It's well written and presented. If you're not a fan of black metal, don't bother. If you are into black metal, it's a very well written testament.
augdem said:
Ah fuck it, I give up. I tried both those places, even tried ordering it in from Minotaur. Both ended up telling me that it's out of print - there's no telling if the publisher will re-print. I guess I'll have to try second hand cool book stores, second hand on the net, etc. Haunted bookshop is cool eh?
Surely it's not out of print? I thought there was a resurgence in interest for it, cause there's a new edition out which comes with a double-CD of bands that are mentioned in the book. Fucked if I know where to get it though, but as a last resort you could try Amazon.com :p

What are the details of "The End Records"? Sounds good, I'll have to check it out. I suppose I have to check out alot more underground distro and distro on the net from what's in this thread.
They're a US label/distro that's starting to get a fair bit of recognition around, they've signed heaps of good bands lately - www.theendrecords.com

Generally they've been ok to me, nothing to sing about though - they just seem like anywhere else when it comes to helping local music in the way that they do. What 'zines for metal do they have? I've never seen any. I'm not trying to piss you off - if they have good 'zines in a certain part of the store, I'd like to know 'cause I've never seen them! Who's played in there b4? Sounds interesting.
Ah, most of what I've bought from there isn't metal actually, that's probably why I've found them to be helpful with looking for other stuff - as far as zines go it's mostly experimental stuff but I've seen the occasional metal one in there like Oskorei. Fucked if I can remember what bands have played there, but a few local hardcore/punk bands have done launches there, I mean how many local stores actually have bands playing inside? :p

Back to Lords of Chaos - I heard from a friend that "if you want a good laugh, get Lords of Chaos - those guys were the biggest dumbshit dick heads ever" (or smething along those lines). Is that a fair description? That would be a shame - thought it could be a really interesting in depth insight into everything to do with it - as opposed to a portrayal of a bunch of mindless zombies doing dumbshit - I really hope that's not what it is. If I was into something like that I'd pull my dick and be very sad and watch things like "Jackass", or "Lameass" as it is more appropriately titled on CNNNN. Seriously though, what are your thoughts on it?
Your friend is pretty much on the money, unfortunately. :p There's a lot of stupid, stupid shit said in there by people like Varg (unsurprisingly), Euronymous and even Hellhammer. Then again there's some absolute gems like interviews with Ihsahn and some of the Ulver guys, plus various photos.

Otherwise it's just a big Varg Vikernes wank-fest, as I get the impression that the author shares similar political views, although I could be wrong there. Would've been nice if there were more interviews with the people from that scene, and more accounts of gigs and other interesting stories. Actually, at the Burzum site (if it's still going?) there's a big article by Varg there on his thoughts of the book, he paid it out quite heavily, hehe.

On the whole I reckon it was definitely worth a read, but possibly not worth paying the $50 or so for it which I did.

If you're looking for an equally interesting photographic documentary of the current Norwegian black metal scene, check out that section at http://www.peterbeste.com/ ...FUCKING GREAT PHOTOS. :)
Chow Mai Dong said:
Surely it's not out of print? I thought there was a resurgence in interest for it, cause there's a new edition out which comes with a double-CD of bands that are mentioned in the book. Fucked if I know where to get it though, but as a last resort you could try Amazon.com :p

They're a US label/distro that's starting to get a fair bit of recognition around, they've signed heaps of good bands lately - www.theendrecords.com

Ah, most of what I've bought from there isn't metal actually, that's probably why I've found them to be helpful with looking for other stuff - as far as zines go it's mostly experimental stuff but I've seen the occasional metal one in there like Oskorei. Fucked if I can remember what bands have played there, but a few local hardcore/punk bands have done launches there, I mean how many local stores actually have bands playing inside? :p

Your friend is pretty much on the money, unfortunately. :p There's a lot of stupid, stupid shit said in there by people like Varg (unsurprisingly), Euronymous and even Hellhammer. Then again there's some absolute gems like interviews with Ihsahn and some of the Ulver guys, plus various photos.

Otherwise it's just a big Varg Vikernes wank-fest, as I get the impression that the author shares similar political views, although I could be wrong there. Would've been nice if there were more interviews with the people from that scene, and more accounts of gigs and other interesting stories. Actually, at the Burzum site (if it's still going?) there's a big article by Varg there on his thoughts of the book, he paid it out quite heavily, hehe.

On the whole I reckon it was definitely worth a read, but possibly not worth paying the $50 or so for it which I did.

If you're looking for an equally interesting photographic documentary of the current Norwegian black metal scene, check out that section at http://www.peterbeste.com/ ...FUCKING GREAT PHOTOS. :)

Wow - Ulver!!! That sounds good. I think I would pay the money to read the cool stuff in it - there must be some very interesting stuff by the sounds of what you're saying.

I was told by The Haunted Bookshop, that it was out of print. I put a deposit on the book at Angus & Robertson, and at Minotaur, and both ended up calling me around 6 months later to say it's out of print, but thanks, I'll try Borders for sure. Thanks for all the cool info dudes. cheers!