Where's Paul???


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
So, we have found Vito at the Trouble show.. hehehehe.
Now, can you spot Paul in his former band LACERATION?
Damn! Were you in that band?!? I actually had a demo or *something* of Laceration. And that picture always stuck in my mind because I thought it was so damn funny and at the same time appropriate, not to mention a good idea to pose with that "slow" on the ground, ha! For some reason I remembered it to be bigger though, the way it's sometimes painted on the roads similar to "stop".

I did in fact recognize you in the picture, btw. But only because I (now) knew you were in it, otherwise... no chance, really. Then again we all have pictures in which we can hardly be recognized, correct?
Novembers Paul said:
Wow. That site has all our old bands in it. hahaha

You have never checked out that site? Man, I spend hours on that database every week looking up bands. It is cool that they have links to band member's other projects, etc...

I like how they say Joe Nunez is also in Soulfly!! :lol:
Yeah it amazes me how many people still get the two Joe Nunez' confused. What's funnier is the fact that we know Soulfly drummer Joe, and he's a friend of mine and Joe's for years now. When his old band (Fleshold) and our old band (Neurotoxin) used to play shows together, it could get a bit confusing haha
NvmbrsDoom5 said:
Yeah it amazes me how many people still get the two Joe Nunez' confused. What's funnier is the fact that we know Soulfly drummer Joe, and he's a friend of mine and Joe's for years now. When his old band (Fleshold) and our old band (Neurotoxin) used to play shows together, it could get a bit confusing haha

Okay, now I feel like an idiot because I always thought they were the same, too. I figured Joe got a good gig in a studio for a Soulfly CD or something.

The same connection is made on Librarius Metallicus, too.

Lionfrost said:
Being a man (yes, yes!) I'm not sure which one of the two should see that as a compliment. ;-)

Well, Peter Steele made it to the cover of PLAYGIRL, so I would say it is indeed a complement to the Laceration dude....
Lionfrost said:
Being a man (yes, yes!) I'm not sure which one of the two should see that as a compliment. ;-)

Do you speak Dutch Lionfrost? :)

@jasonic:He does look hot on some pics in that playgirl,and he has a sexy voice imo..:oops:
Anyway I will see him play with Carnivore at Wacken,I'll try to make some pics of it and when I say IT I mean the band...:Smug:
Angeleyes Part II said:
@jasonic:He does look hot on some pics in that playgirl,and he has a sexy voice imo..:oops:
Anyway I will see him play with Carnivore at Wacken,I'll try to make some pics of it and when I say IT I mean the band...:Smug:

:lol: Well, I will have to take your word for it!!
FUBAR said:
Were LACERATION a death metal band?

LACERATION started out as more of your typical death/thrash type of stuff, but by 1991 had become a slow dreary doom/death type of band....basically it became NOVEMBERS DOOM, really. But it wasn't until they changed the name and added C.J. on the female vocals did the ND sound really take shape. At least if memory serves correctly, that is...I haven't listened to the old LACERATION stuff in a while. Paul always said that basically LACERATION was a result of them being big fans of stuff like Grave, Asphyx, Unleashed, etc., and wanting to play that style in an extremely slow and tuned down fashion.
Yeah, Larrys correct. The first demo is Thrash metal... When we decided to go more death metal, it was to be Grave, only as slow as possible. That picture you see above is actually the first incarnation of "Novembers Doom." The guy to my right (my left) is Jim Dobleski, the original drummer. He's on the 2 tracks Sadness Rains, and A Dirge of Sorrow off of Amid. The guy on the far right of the picture is Steve Nicholson. He was the original guitarist, and wrote all of Amid Its Hallowed Mirth.

Right after we recorded Sadness Rains and Dirge of Sorrow, we changed the band name, got the Avantgarde deal, and Jim quit, so we picked up Joe Hernandez, who was a high school friend of mine.

A funny bit of nonsense, that photo you see was taken while I was in High School, and my now wife Arline, developed and printed those promo photos out for us. :)
Angeleyes Part II said:
Do you speak Dutch Lionfrost? :)
Jazeker! But it's probably not very well known in this here forum so that's as far as I'll take it. ;) (For the record, I didn't say anything rude. It simply means "sure". :saint:)
Novembers Paul said:
That picture you see above is actually the first incarnation of "Novembers Doom."
Not that it will be of much interest to anyone, but I just find it very funny that I had a release by Laceration and then didn't pick up on anything else until after "The Pale Haunt Departure" was released. Mighty glad I did, though.

Novembers Paul said:
A funny bit of nonsense, that photo you see was taken while I was in High School, and my now wife Arline, developed and printed those promo photos out for us. :)
That's the kind of "nonsense" I, for one, happen to like. Thanks for sharing, Paul.
The cover of Ripping Avulsion looks very familiar, I almost bought it in a record shop somewhere a few years ago because it caught my eye but I didn't have much cash on me on the time. I actually had cut out the center of an image of it and put my username on a gaming site in the same purple because it looked cool, and since then have forgotten. Since then that record store has gone out of business and I had to spend my money on stuff that I could care for less now (sealed OOP Nine Inch Nails albums, which I collected years ago, though I could probably get a huge price on them if I do sell them)
I always fuck up on these things. How many copies of that were made, and what is the chance that a used one ended up in a random New England record store? (they had thousands of old metal vinyls/cds/cassettes alone and more of other music, and they also sold Magic: The Gathering cards)