Where's Paul???

BalanceofPower said:
Here's a couple off the top of my head.

Symphony X
Zero Hour
Katagory V
Power of Omens
Magnitude 9
Ion Vein
Twelfth Gate
Eden's Fall

Hey Vito! Thanks for the compliment!!

Also, after they were infected by the Roadrunner virus, IMO I think Trivium is now quite OVER-rated...sorry. ;)

So far, Opeth seems to be fighting off the disease quite well though...hehe.
GateXII said:
Hey Vito! Thanks for the compliment!!

Also, after they were infected by the Roadrunner virus, IMO I think Trivium is now quite OVER-rated...sorry. ;)

So far, Opeth seems to be fighting off the disease quite well though...hehe.

I only have Ascendency by Trivium and I think it's great. I don't know if that's on Roadrunner or not. As far as Opeth goes, I think the last album they put out was pretty lame. I haven't really liked them that much since Blackwater Park. Although I can listen to Deliverance and Damnation every once in a while.
Can anyone help me out,it's about that Nevermore album I have "Dreaming Neon Black" there's something I'm not quite sure of actually..
There's this last song "Forever".. now this last about 2 minutes something,but then there's no sound or anything anymore,but then lets say about 7 minutes later I hear noise and some words saying "we're waiting for you" is that supose to be that way?..
Angeleyes Part II said:
Can anyone help me out,it's about that Nevermore album I have "Dreaming Neon Black" there's something I'm not quite sure of actually..
There's this last song "Forever".. now this last about 2 minutes something,but then there's no sound or anything anymore,but then lets say about 7 minutes later I hear noise and some words saying "we're waiting for you" is that supose to be that way?..
yup just a little hidden thing to scare the shit out of people who have started to doze off while listening to it... theres a similar thing on politics of ecstasy. Its just a little clip from the intro to the cd.
Dan and James..you can both.. KISS MY ASS!!! ;)

Thanks for your explanation Wolftribe...much appreciated..:)
btw what's that sig. you've got? I don't think I would wanna trade place with that women..
Angeleyes Part II said:
Didn't I reply you? I thought I did...
Nope. I was starting to feel all sad and stuff. ;)
Just checked the sent items again and it says "read" (not "replied") so there you go. No harm done anyway, I was just wondering.