wheres the best place on earth?

The times I've most felt at home was when we've been travelling, driving across the country. I can think of nothing better to do with my time, my life, just drive. It makes me feel totally safe, thoughtful, and alive. This country is so beautiful.

But the best place we've been that I wouldn't mind staying is in the northwest, along the coast especially. Oregon, Washington. West Virginia in the mountains is really unbelievable as well.

The place I've felt the most peace though is on the Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota. Camping out on the Sundance hill with a couple of hundred people from the rez. and off. The best times of my life. So much good stuff between us all and a tremendous sense of complete peace there.
I love Finland and when I was there Raahe was just amazing! Especially the suburban districts, where ppl live together with little animals in the forest in small wooden houses next to the lakes :) I would like to go back...

but to say I fell in love with Cracow in these 2 times I've been there!
snow2fall said:
I particularly love the atmosphere of the big market place at night... :)

you're not alone with this feeling :)
but there was something I didn't like: at night all the places were closed after the concert and there was not a single pub open... we had to circle around the city for hours in the damn cold when finally found one... it closed in an hour so the search continued :ill:
elzka said:
the little house next to my lake in middle finland...there where you can only hear birds singing and waves waving. thats the place where you wake up when the sun gets up and go to bed when it goes down..just pure peace.

when I was in Finland, last night we stayed up late to prepare a goodbye-poster to the family who we were at; we went to bed at quarter to 3 and the sun still shined, and we woke up at 4 to catch the bus and the sun already shined o_O
wondering what the sun did in that 1 and a quarter hour :Smug:
but it was nice... still I think I would go crazy if it would last more than a week :) not to think when this happens in the opposite way...
Loona said:
you're not alone with this feeling :)
but there was something I didn't like: at night all the places were closed after the concert and there was not a single pub open... we had to circle around the city for hours in the damn cold when finally found one... it closed in an hour so the search continued :ill:
Each time I went to Cracow (and to Warsaw as well) was with the table-tennis team of my highschool, so there were always teachers with us - which means we always had to be back at the hotel at 11 anyway... So (unfortunately...) we didn't have the problem to find an open pub after midnight. :loco:
We often went to a jazz café, sat down outside (in case it wasn't too cold) and listened to some live music, which was really nice with that mild atmosphere of a spring night around... :Spin: