Whether it be through Science, Religion or Spirituality...


New Metal Member
Jul 5, 2008
We all wish to love and connect with others
anger, violence and agression all seem like such a waste of time (whether or not you believe in the concept.)
The means may be different, the goal is the same.

So much love to you all. :)
That's awesome, I was getting worried for a second after you "de-friended" me on facebook :lol:
if you want to have a dialogue and share and express with me
feel free to re-add

was feeling frustrated
do not really harbour any ill feelings towards people
just tired of judgement from both myself and others

i dont think there is a hierarchy as far as thought goes, just various views

i also like panda spewing rainbows
more hippy pictures+acid colours ITT please :kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass:
I think it's a nice saying, I suppose, but not all of us on this planet want to make nice with each other and smoke weed. lol. Unfortunate, sure. But, it's never going to happen.

New age hippies bug me somewhat TBH. They talk about all this nonsensical stuff, they often try to invoke quantum mechanics to explain how their nonsense "works". Another thing that bugs me... when you decide to bite and ask "what exactly is a 'chakra'?" or "reikei" or "How do they work?" etc. They cannot explain it. Many have told me it's part of the electromagnetic spectrum, but it just isn't. It cannot be measured. I have searched the web pretty throughly for a place that can coherently explain this stuff. How can you know something is real (material or energy) if you cannot measure it? All you have to do is actually think this stuff through and you can understand it's just recycled religious/eastern stuff with a dash of hippie magic and wishful thinking added. lol. The worst part is people don't usually care if what they believe is true. It makes people completely unreasonable/irrational in that department. Yay for cognitive dissonance. I live in Everett/Seattle; Hippie central. There are more alternative medicine clinics here than there are actual decently-equipped medical centers. cookoooo.
This is why I posted the topic, in the hope that maybe a few people, maybe just one or two, maybe more, would be jolted to try and put all that aside, because fundamentally, we're all one and the same.
Whether you are more inclined towards rationalism and logic or spirituality, religion, whatever, we are all PEOPLE and I'd really like to try and pull down some of the barriers the seperate myself and others.

In this topic specifically, I feel my opinions and viewpoints concerning rationalism and logic do not apply, and I'd like to think the same goes as far as more logic-based people and their views on spirituality/other ways of thinking, however they may manifest.
That was my point, I suppose: opinions and viewpoints aside, we're all pretty damn similar really.
Are you talking about barriers that are here on the forum, or in general?

We may all be 99.9% percent the same biologically, but mentally we all differ in many ways, especially as to what we define as "me." Everything from country, religion, language, culture, education etc. shape what is "me." To 'put something aside because we are all the same' honestly doesn't make any sense. Are you trying to get people to join some weird place (basically a cult, lol) like: http://www.ramtha.com/default.asp

I keed, I keed.

hmm... Rationalism and logic do not apply? Why do those concepts not apply? What are the requirements of though to do whatever it is that spiritualists do? The more I read about this stuff (which is a lot :P ) the more I realize the only "evidence" or arguments that are 'allowed' are those of personal experience and 'feelings' which are hardly reliable... Because once you point out the broken logic all of a sudden the whole concept of logic becomes invalid. There is a hierarchy to thought, and logic is part of that. A though or action pretty much always has to have a cause whether it be unconscious, from desire, from necessity, biochemical or provoked. Actually, I'm sure they do have to have a cause, now that I think of it, lol.

So, I really don't think 'we' are all the same. I am open minded, completely! I don't take things on faith, though. But, I am about to burn one, so that we do have in common!

I do think it would be awesome if there were no war or poverty etc... and Peace. But, I think there are always going to be stupid Assholes on this planet that want to basically fuck us all (or any nation) over and will. The only way everyone overcomes this is if we get angry at those Assholes!

Anger is a necessary emotion. It helps us deal with bullshit, basically. If we didn't get angry, our hearts would probably explode from stress. lol. So It should be managed, definitely, and part of that is release! haha.

Yup, i'm nicely toasted now. :D