Which album?

Apr 13, 2002
Aurora, Colorado
Which Devin album should I get (just Devin Townsend, no projects)? Please describe the sound of the album (such as the heaviness). The reason why I ask that is because I know he is different with each release, so I'd like an idea of what to expect.

As a side note, 50 posts! I rule.
just head over to www.hevydevy.com and read about the albums man. theyre hard and long to explain cuz each one is different.

real quik..if you want brutality get starpping young lad's "city" album. if you want really melodic/melancholy/depressing (and all around amazing songs) get ocean machine. if you want experimental stuff get infinity, if you want a "cool" record, that doesnt really show progress from dev because instead of being a step forwards (in terms of pregression) it was just a step sideways...get physicist (best concept album ever recorded...why does it seem like even when dev doesnt try he still makes amazing music that blows anything else in the scene away? heh)...and lastly if you want a more mature devin album, with some of the insanity of infinity and the overall feel of ocean machine, get terria. ocean machine is a tribute to water, terria is a tribute to earth... all are spectacular albums. my top 2 choices are ocean machine & infinity