Which cheap Active DI box?


Apr 18, 2010
Has the least noise issues and preserves tone.

I only have about $70 for a DI box right now as any other money I make has to go toward other things for a while. Anyone have any success with any other the cheaper DI boxes?

If anyone has a radial or countryman they'd like to sell for $70 Id take it off your hands as well ;)
i would say dont bother getting a cheaper box cause its not gonna make a difference. Wait for a countryman or radial.

I have a countryman so +1 to the type 85. I got mine for $100 on ebay
I have been using and recommend the EWI LDB-101 from audiopile.net:


The Countryman's are definitely nice as well. They use a discrete transistor circuit.

The EWI uses an OpAmp buffer (TL072) which you will find in lots of equipment, even high-end stuff. Then the transformer is a custom design which is very linear.

But it is the ONLY one I have found under $100 that is a real 1M Ohm input impedance making it perfect for tracking guitars. It is quiet and very very clean. I even prefer it on bass from time to time.
I'm looking for a DI-Box too at the moment, and I think I'm gonna try a Palmer.. Maybe the PAL 01 or the PAL 02 (not sure if I go passive or active). They're quite cheap and the Palmer Daccapo Re-Amp Box is a bang for the buck.
The EWI is looking promising I might actually give that a go. Like I said I wont be saving any money for a bit because of expenses recently so I just have what I have. The PAN looks decent if I can find it for under $70 ;)