Which Disk should I buy FIRST?

Originally posted by Hearse
Something like that yes.
But skydancer is rather irritating, cause of it vocals and raw sound.
That's why I wouldn't recomend that to any newbie, cause it might turn him/her away from DT.
Skydancer is actually the album that turned me into a DT fan, I got it pretty much right when it came out, so Skydancer was Dark Tranquillity at that time. At least Stanne's clean vocals on Skydancer were good, contrary to those on Projector...

Among many DT fans on this board there seems to be some kind of code of "Fridén's vocals = bad" or something, don't really understand why, I think he's a pretty good vocalist, what's so bad about him?
Originally posted by Hearse

They are almost worst vocals I've ever heard, really, I hate them.

and yet, with due respect, mikael's vox are not exactly made for the kind of meters used in skydancer, as i think anyone could appreciate listening to the endecasyllabs on "silence, and the firmament withdrew".
