Which do you prefer to track with?


Oct 21, 2011
Curious to know, I've never been great at tracking in general lol, especially so with a click. (terrible guitarist in general)

But I'm curious to know what everyone prefers to track to, drums (for those that often use a sampler) or metronome? or both!? For me I just love tracking to a laid out groove, as my playing is fairly clinical and I get a bit lost with just the click (do use both oftentimes tho).

It isn't important :P but jw.
Click for time, drums for groove. Both are always playing but depending on what I'm going for as a player dictates which is more dominant. I use this trick all the time. Personally I'm pretty in tune with the click so i can easily block it out and just focus on the drums, but it certainly is something worth trying if you're finding the people that you're tracking are either too stiff and not groovy enough, or not tight enough when a mechanical section comes in.
Both are always on here - generally once the drums are tracked/edited I'll keep them louder and just mix the click in a bit for spots where the drums aren't playing or where the drum beat is sparse.
Really depends on song, but as stated above i do use a click when needed, and also for example when signalling a certain section is about to happen, i'll take a different click sound chunk and bump it up to prep the player for what's about to happen.
When demo tracking to a SD programmed drum track, I set up hi hat grooves in dead spaces, for a kind of live feel. And always punch in with the click.
I record my stuff to programmed drums (so it is perfectly on grid already) and have the click on. I have found leaving the click on makes my guitar playing far more accurate.
good question cos i have thinking about this too. in my opinion, its the drums that you have to be tight to so track to the drums, but the click playing along will help to keep a steady pulse.