Which EoS album should I buy?


Sep 21, 2004
I only have the two Crimson albums which I absolutely love. So... which EoS album should I buy next? How do they compare to Crimson? Do several CDs sound alike or is every CD "unique"?

In short: which albums are a must have if I like Crimson?
Purgatory Afterglow and The Spectral Sorrows, if you ask me. I suppose Purgatory is EoS at its catchiest, while Spectral Sorrows is just almost there. Crimson was bit of a change of direction.
Purgatory Afterglow is probably my favourite.
Based on what you've said, the next EOS Cd you should pick up is "Purgatory Afterglow"

Each EOS album does indeed have it's own unique feel. My favorite outside the Crimson Cd's is The Spectral Sorrows. It is the more musical album, and includes badass growls and my favorite lyrics from EOS. Not as much like Crimson as Purgatory though. And this is not to mislead you into thinking Purgatory is highly similar, it isn't. It too has it's own unique feel. Here's a quick album synopsis of other albums

Nothing But Death Remains - Simple badass Death Metal

Unorthodox - More basic death metal by comparisson to later albums, vocals more raw and wicked. Some good melody here and there.

Spectral Sorrows - Most musical album, but loses nothing in trade off. Dark, badass, and beautitul.

Infernal - "Safest" album. Guranteed not to be the best thing you've heard while also guranteed you'll enjoy it. Has some great tracks. Cleanest production.

Cryptica (or whatever) - Dan isn't involved in this cd and thus it sucks major ass. =)
I got Crimson first. Totally loved it, still do. From that point its a bit hard to approach the none-epic albums, but if you give Prugatory Afterglow a few listens you'll realize it's awesome. the Spectral Sorrows is great too but is very un-even. The Unorthodox is a bit more oldschool but rules imensley. Infernal lacks a "real feel" but has several good tunes. Until Eternaity ends is nice but short. Haven't listened much to Cryptic or Nothing but deaht remains. And, I almost forgot, get Dan Swanös moontower if you like Crimson II !

My get-order for ya:
Purgatory Afterglow
Moontower (Dan Swanö)
The Spectral Sorrows

All those are cheap on cdon.com for instance..
Unorthodox was the last one I bought but I ended up liking it more then the other non-crimson albums.

Purgatory afterglow is kinda ok, definitley not as intricate as either crimson album catchy until the last song, which sucks.

Infernal is quite "soft" compared to the other albums, but the song writing is still solid.

Crytpic or whatever isn't as bad as it's made out to be, but the songwriting isn't memorable at all. It's still enjoyable though.

Spectral Sorrows is quite varied, and it's working up to the sound of purgatory afterglow. It's one of my favorites though and really characterizes EoS.

I'd say get either purgatory afterglow or unorthodox like everyone else has said. Be sure to check out moontower as well if you liked the crimson albums as it's one of the most unique pieces of music I've heard.
Death's Acre said:
I'd say get either purgatory afterglow or unorthodox like everyone else has said.
Since amazon.de ships freely at 20 Euro and above I guess I have to buy two albums... Maybe I'll try The Spectral Sorrows and Purgatory Afterglow, at least thus I'd add no further "gaps" to my EoS collection :D

Death's Acre said:
Be sure to check out moontower as well if you liked the crimson albums
Wow, everyone seems to love that Moontower album. I've already had if for months now. It's a nice piece of music, but personally I prefer Crimson (1+2) by far. In the last couple of days I've heard Crimson II more often than Moontower since... well, since I've had it. Moontower is just not as "aggressive" as the EoS Albums I know and own :headbang:
Dan Swanö said:

I think you should try out Unorthodox because it sounds like the album I always wanted us to make.

Yeah. Think so. I think "Unorthodox" with "The spectral Sorrows" and "Until Eternity ends" are the albums which has the most "bandfeeling" on it. Don't know how to discripe in other words. But "Unorthodox" is maybe the most EoS-Album I heard together with "Crimson" and "Crimson II". But "Unorthodox" is more raw oldschool death with fine melodic parts here and there. And that's why I love this album. It rocks in it's way...
I have all official EoS-Albums with Dan Swnaö and there is no penitent at all :)

Purgatory Afterglow was my 1st album of EoS. Then I bought The spectral Sorrows, Until Eternity ends, Crimson, Infernal, Unorthodox, Nothing but Death remains, Evolution, Crimson II.

So go out and get these albums:
EoS - Unorthodox
EoS - The spectral Sorrows
EoS - Until Eternity ends
EoS - Dan Swanö - Moontower

If you like raw Deathmetal like Deicide then get these albums:
Infestdead - Hellfuck
Infestdead - Jesusatan
Sturmbringer said:
So go out and get these albums:
EoS - Unorthodox
EoS - The spectral Sorrows
I just ordered Unorthodex, The Spectral Sorrows and Purgatory Afterglow at www.pervertedtaste.de for only 10,50 Euro each.

Sturmbringer said:
EoS - Until Eternity ends
Isn't that "only" an EP? Somehow I do not like EPs :)

Sturmbringer said:
EoS - Dan Swanö - Moontower
Already have it.

Sturmbringer said:
If you like raw Deathmetal like Deicide then get these albums:
Infestdead - Hellfuck
Infestdead - Jesusatan
Thanx for the suggestion, I actually own the first 4 Deicide releases. They are heavy as shit and I like them, but I am currently looking for something more diverse :p
PervertedTaste.de ?!
Yeah...cool Mailorder :D
Ordered a few cool stuff there and the prices are fine too. You ordered there. So where do you come from (if I can ask you this ;) ).

Until Eternity ends is a so called "Mini-CD" with 4 songs on it with the best Cover I ever heard (Invisble Sun). It's better as the original song I think. Until Eternity ends is an album for itself cause EoS means that it doesn't fit to the Purgatory Afterglow-album they were written in 1994.
Sturmbringer said:
PervertedTaste.de ?! [...] You offered there.
No, i ordered there, that's a huge difference :p

Sturmbringer said:
So where do you come from
I live in Hamburg. What about you?

Sturmbringer said:
Until Eternity ends is a so called "Mini-CD" with 4 songs on it with the best Cover I ever heard (Invisble Sun). It's better as the original song I think. Until Eternity ends is an album for itself cause EoS means that it doesn't fit to the Purgatory Afterglow-album they were written in 1994.
I saw Until... at amazon.de the other day for 5,99 and could not resist.

Sturmbringer said:
definitely Spectral Sorrows and Crimson !!.......oh, yes and of course Crimson II !!
I honestly see no reason in buying Crimson 1+2 again if I already own them (as mentioned in the first post of this thread).
I rank their albums in this order:

1. Unorthodox
2. Crimson II
3. Crimson
4. Purgatory Afterglow
5. The Spectral Sorrows
6. Until Eternity Ends EP
7. Infernal
8. Nothing But Death Remains (would have been ranked higher, if it only had better production)
9. Cryptic (no use for this one at all, other than opening cut "Hell Written")

Everything up to and including the Until Eternity Ends EP on my list I would consider essential. After that, CAVEAT EMPTOR!!!
Fred304 said:
No, i ordered there, that's a huge difference :p
My mistake...

Fred304 said:
I live in Hamburg. What about you?
Hehehe...what about me ?! Auch aus Deutschland. Steht doch links unter dem Avatar ;)

Fred304 said:
I saw Until... at amazon.de the other day for 5,99 and could not resist.

Fred304 said:
I honestly see no reason in buying Crimson 1+2 again if I already own them (as mentioned in the first post of this thread).
Das habe ich aber nicht geschrieben ;)
Sturmbringer said:
Until Eternity ends is a so called "Mini-CD" with 4 songs on it with the best Cover I ever heard (Invisble Sun).
I gave the CD 3 listens and I must say I do not like it at all. My first impression was that of a mixture between Manson and new Metallica :yuk:

I'm looking forward to receiving the three EoS Albums I ordered, unfortunately they haven't arrived yet :erk: