Which Guitar pick-up for BM?


New Metal Member
Mar 2, 2008
I´m looking for a guitar pick-up that is best for a more sterile type of Black metal such as Silencer, Deathspell Omega - Si Monvmentvm Reqvires, Khold - Krek, et cetera.
I have an Epiphone Les Paul Special II.
Been searching around and found a couple interesting like:

Emg 85
Seymour Duncan invader
Dimarzio X2n or Superdistorsion

which do you prefer? which is best for that type of tone?
Have i missed a pick-up? Should i get a better guitar instead like Schecter omen or 006 deluxe?
I'd be interested in hearing more about this too. I was thinking of getting an EMG 81 neck position and 85 bridge position for metal.
yes i read that some think the Invader is muddy(fat) and that the X2n has more tone and the Emg has a more of an modern sound than what i´m after.
I'd say if you can afford it, get a better guitar and put in at least one aftermarket pickups.
Putting new pickups in a Les Paul Special II is like trying to hot rod a small 1 liter engine car. It can be done, but it only goes so far before you can't really add much more to give it extra performance. It's simply not worth the expense and effort IMO.
Putting good pickups in a great guitar, on the other hand, is so much more worth it.
Ideally, save up until you can afford a good, mid range guitar, and you'll notice a massive difference in quality and playability.
For trve BM you'd want to record the guitar strings with a skype microphone than run the mic through a metalzone plugged in your TV set. Use a tape recorder to capture this and run the line out to an integrated sound card. Done.



For trve BM you'd want to record the guitar strings with a skype microphone than run the mic through a metalzone plugged in your TV set. Use a tape recorder to capture this and run the line out to an integrated sound card. Done.




Basement black metal FTW:lol::headbang:
That is almost what i used to do.
Metalzone>15w bass amp>tape recorder.
But thats not what i´m after now.
Have i missed a pick-up? Should i get a better guitar instead like Schecter omen or 006 deluxe?
Yes, definitely. I also played an Epiphone Speciall II, still have it around, but haven't looked back since I got my Ibanez SZ...
Okey. i´m leaning towards getting a schecter omen or 006 deluxe and then buy the x2n.
Is it a big difference between omen and 006 then the more expensive schecter guitars or other brands? don´t know much about guitars.

Yes Deathspell in particular have great production and still sterile and brutal.
The X2N is a good idea because you can buy it now, then save up for a pricier guitar that is otherwise out of reach. Meanwhile the X2N will make the current guitar sound pretty good, and when you transplant it into the more expensive one, it will be orgasmicl
Was going to say 81, but in that guitar I agree the x2n. I love how crunchy and punchy mine is.
Is it a big difference between a 250euro guitar and a 500-700euro?
Do i need i neck-pick up and a bridge or just the bridge?


edit: I don´t play any solos and i don´t shred if that´s the case with the placement.