WHICH KICK SOUNDS BETTER?? (Metalcore/Deathcore)


Feb 11, 2011
Orange County
Hey i've been chipping away at this damn song for a while now in my spare time, just about ready to lay down some killer vocals, but before I do I'd like to know which kick sound you guys like better, I have 2 VERY SIMILIAR sounding mixes... the only difference is the kick. Mix 1 has a lower(longer) less attenuated kick, Mix 2 has a shorter, punchier and more attenuated kick and a bit more attack and click. I'd like to know which one you guys prefer... It may seem very knit picky but fuck me if I don't get this right damnit! Any other critique on the overall mix is welcome as well... but mainly focusing on the kick transients.

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Well it seems I have my answer, and after giving my ears a bit of a break I feel that 2 could use even still a bit more "stick" in the 1k and 4k area.

It's a de-tuned SD2 sample, part of the Metal Foundry expansion... I think the 20x24 haake? But I'll have to double check. I did quite a bit of external mixing on it however.
I like hi-end of 1st and low-end of 2nd.

Yea well i limited the 2nd one by about 2-3db and raised the HPF and threw an SPL designer on it so It lost a little bit of life but has a tighter punch to it. The first one has a mild compression and lower HPF but breathe's a little better. I'm still torn between the two.
Can I say I didn't enjoy the kick sound itself? It's missing .... well 'kick'. You know what I mean? Like there is no tump from it. Sounds almost papery. But if this is the sound you want then probably the 2nd one. The guitars and the rest of the mix sounds good.
It also sounds too sub heavy for me too on my home theater did'nt try it in my studio.Kick 1 was even worse.

yes, you guys are right. Most likely a result of the mastering eq... which was the only eq I adjusted (narrow 2db boost around 55). I did so to try and compensate for what someone said earlier, lack of "thump" or actual kick. I didn't realize how sub heavy it was till I got it into my car stereo.
I have 2 others that I may throw up here later if the thread isn't burnt out on hearing my subtle kick changes yet. But what I did is pulled kick 1 down by 3db and kick 2 down by 12db, limited kick 2 a little harder and threw it behind kick one to give it more "body". So now what I have is a blend of the two. I think it makes it a little bit muddy though and would perfer just a single kick sound over a blended one.