Which polish beer do Anathema lads drink...


the crestfallen
Jan 4, 2002
southern Poland
Hey, (Danny) when you are in Poland you always drink (as far as I know) Zywiec. Why? For instance : Tyskie or Lech are much better. I know, it's a matter of taste, but Tyskie (or Lech) are such a beer everybody like. Believe me. :devil:
we just drink what the promoters give us,usually. thats normally the cheapest becaus they need maximum profits.
John's got a beer mat with Novopacke Pivu & Zalozeno 1872 on it. Don't know where it comes from.

Great beer from one of the most beautiful countries!! :) :)
Originally posted by Light
You know, I wonder what the deal is with Lapin Kulta. I mean, I know it's cult (somehow), and Finnish, and beer, but - to me - it tastes a little bit like canal water. Why do so many people rave on about it? Did Elvis drink it, or?

Answers on a postcard...

It is one of the worst finnish beers there is and believe me, because I have done my share of beer dinking (not hellraising though). But then again almost all finnish lagers taste the same (or should I say no taste at all) so...
you shouldnt drink Boddington....if i remember it right they are made in Manchester.....you know the city where a shite team comes from.......