Which PPXIV were you initially un/less familiar with, and now excited to see?

Aug 6, 2003
Sandy Eggo
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So which band were you either unfamiliar or only passingly familiar with during the announcement, but now you are super excited to see?

I have to admit I was familiar with many of the bands this time, so my excitement for seeing Shadow Gallery, Soilwork, Circus Maximus and Damnation Angels was pretty high. I would say the one band I have gotten most excited about is Xandria. I had heard and enjoyed Neverworld's End, but I really started listening to it a lot recently and am quite excited to see them perform live.
I'm excited to see Armored Saint because I've never had the shot before, but they're pretty legendary. I didn't have the Damnation Angels album until after the announcement, obviously, so that would definitely count.
I was already familiar with and excited for Armored Saint, Xandria, Sabaton, ReinXeed, and Wolf. I was familiar with but (I'm not sure what I'd actually call it) I guess indifferent about Soilwork, Shadow Gallery, and Circus Maximus. I Knew who Ashes of Ares was but hadn't heard them but was excited about them because of who it was. I had heard of but never actually heard Myrath, Heaven's Cry, and Wolverine, and had never heard of Damnation Angels. I also had never heard of Divinity Compromised, either. That being said...

Myrath- At the time of the announcement, I had only heard of them. In fact, I predicted they would be on there because there was a lot of hype on here about them. I picked up Tales of the Sands shortly after the fest and was hooked instantly. That album has been one of the discs I've listened to the most over the last 10 months.

Ashes of Ares- I haven't heard the album, only the live videos, but I absolutely LOVE what I've heard and am really stoked about seeing them and being introduced to the material that way!

I'm actually still most excited for Thursday, though. Circle II Circle performing Wake of Magellan is like a dream come true as that's always been one of my favorite albums, and Luca's Rhapsody...need I say more?! :rock:
Of the bands with whom I was totally unfamiliar and now I am excited as hell to see, Shadow Gallery by far tops the list. I am geeked to have the chance to see them on stage.

I scoured the Internet for setlists and downloaded what I could from Spotify and I must admit, though, the entire line up looks spectacular. When I first checked out Soilwork, I expected to endure one song and spend the rest of my time browsing through the booths in the merchant area. I doubt that will happen now. While not my normal stuff, I learned to appreciate Soilwork's tracks and am now looking forward to seeing them at PPUSA XIV.

This is gonna be great!
The only band that fits this description for me is Divinity Compromised. I'm very curious to see how they execute it live. With the right energy and execution, I think they could take a huge leap in status among this audience, as their material is perfectly suited for the festival.
Bands that I knew nothing about before the festival and wound up getting into them because of it:

- Divinity Compromised
- Ashes of Ares

Bands that I knew a little bit, but thanks to the festival (and/or having to do their interviews) I delved into a little deeper and really enjoy a lot more now:

- Heaven's Cry
- Wolverine
- Shadow Gallery
- ReinXeed
I was already familiar with the good majority of the bands on this year's bill, but I'm still pretty stoked!

Armored Saint--I've loved this band for years, and I saw them twice before. Oddly enough, the last time I saw them was the night after the very first ProgPower. What a weekend! I'll most likely be in caged animal mode for this set.

Ashes Of Ares--Obviously, no one had heard anything from this band before they were announced. Based on what I've heard so far, I'm going to give them the old three song test before I make my final decision. I've never been the biggest fan of Barlow, and his performances with Iced Earth upon re-joining the band left something to be desired.

Circus Maximus--I love these guys, but their latest album still hasn't grabbed me yet. Perhaps the live treatment will turn that around.

Damnation Angels--This is one of two bands who I knew only by name upon the announcement of the lineup. After checking them out, I'm pretty excited to see them.

Divinity Compromised--These guys are from my area, so I'm definitely familiar with them. I hope they do Chi-town proud.

Heaven's Cry--I might be the most excited to see these guys, as I never thought that A)they would reunite, and B)I would get a chance to see them without having to go to Canada.

Myrath--These guys fall right under Heaven's Cry on my list.

Shadow Gallery--It's about fucking time!

Wolf--These guys were the other band I only knew by name upon the announcement. After checking them out, I dig them. Their set should be a fun one.

Wolverine--These guys are also going to get the three song test from me, though I think they have a better chance of winning me over than Ashes Of Ares. I remember hearing their very first release and being turned off by the god-awful growls. After finding out that they ditched those vocals, I listened to some more of their stuff, and I think it's pretty interesting.

As for the kick-off events, I'm looking forward to seeing everybody on both nights. I had never checked out Morglbl or In The Silence until the announcements were made, but they won me over right away.

All in all, I'd say there's a great deal of bands that should not be missed this year.

Stay metal. Never rust.
Probably gotta say Xandria. That last cd is really good. I do have to say, once I saw Circus Maximus announced, coming this year was a no brainer. Their set have never disappointed, and now with the release of "Nine", it should even be better!!!
Met-Al, I enjoyed reading your take on the bands. Thanks for keeping the excitement going!

As for me, Damnation Angels and Soilwork were the two bands that I had no previous exposure to that I am most interested in seeing. My guess is that DA gets a Voyager type response.

I was very familiar with Myrath and Shadow Gallery. They were both bands I put sponsorship bids on, so obviously I am very excited to see them.

Circus Maximus started to win me over with their announcement video. About the 3rd or 4th time I spun Nine, some gear engaged making me "get it". I'm thrilled to get a chance to see them play.

Two weeks until Center Stage becomes the happiest place on Earth :)
The only band that fits this description for me is Divinity Compromised. I'm very curious to see how they execute it live. With the right energy and execution, I think they could take a huge leap in status among this audience, as their material is perfectly suited for the festival.

I am totally stoked to see Sabaton and CM, and Wolverine had been on my radar on and off for a while, but DC was a total unknown and I am really digging everything they have done. Their next album will be a blind buy.
For me it's pretty much just Wolf & Divinity Compromised. I don't know why I never gave them a chance before, but after listening to them both in preparation, i'm very excited to see both.
For me, Wolverine and Soilwork fall into this category. I have been addicted to Shadow Gallery, Circus Maximus and Myrath for quite some time. Also, looking forward to most of the other bands as well! Can't wait.