Which rare or never played songs would you like to hear SX play live?

Which of these rare or never-before-played songs would you like to hear SX play live?

  • A Fool's Paradise

    Votes: 23 30.3%
  • A Winter's Dream (Parts I & II)

    Votes: 17 22.4%
  • Absence of Light

    Votes: 12 15.8%
  • Candlelight Fantasia (in full)

    Votes: 19 25.0%
  • Dressed to Kill

    Votes: 10 13.2%
  • Frontiers

    Votes: 10 13.2%
  • In the Dragon's Den

    Votes: 20 26.3%
  • Incantations of the Apprentice

    Votes: 7 9.2%
  • Lady of the Snow

    Votes: 10 13.2%
  • Masquerade

    Votes: 17 22.4%
  • Orion - the Hunter

    Votes: 12 15.8%
  • Pharaoh

    Votes: 8 10.5%
  • The Damnation Game

    Votes: 19 25.0%
  • The Divine Wings of Tragedy

    Votes: 22 28.9%
  • The Edge of Forever

    Votes: 26 34.2%
  • The Eyes of Medusa

    Votes: 21 27.6%
  • The Relic

    Votes: 10 13.2%
  • The Turning

    Votes: 10 13.2%
  • The Witching Hour

    Votes: 5 6.6%
  • Through the Looking Glass

    Votes: 22 28.9%

  • Total voters
snakeey11 said:
It might just be me, but would anyone else love to hear a version of Absinthe And Rue with Russell Allen on vocals?

Hell yes!

That song has me helplessly headbanging. I would also like to see "Damnation Game," because it is a badass song. The ending would really get the crowd going. Also, Symphony X should have a set in which they play "V - the New Mythology Suite" all the way through.
Oh man, Rediscovery would indeed rule, but I voted for Through the Looking Glass, Edge of Forever, and FRONTIERS!! I love that tune.

Now, I definitely agree that they should play some different tunes after playing the same ones so often, but I must say, that after seeing them do basically the same songs all nine times I've seen them, I really didn't care what they played. Just seeing them perform live is an experience in itself :)
DemonicSoul said:
I only saw Sx live once (they only played as support for Stratovarius in Germany :-( ). But have they ever played Accolade II and King of Terrors live? 'Cause when I saw them they didn't and those are my favourite songs :-(
Yes, both have been played regularly on different legs of Odyssey touring.
Man, I would LOVE to see the edge of forever played live. I don't really know why they haven't. It's easily one of my favorites. I also voted for the damnation game because you know..... it rocks. I didn't make a third vote cuz I haven't heard frontiers and it sounds like it kicks ass from what everyone says, but also I'd really like to see the accolade played live since I don't think they've ever played it in the U.S. At least I haven't ever heard of them playing that anywhere but Europe.
SX played the Accolade I & II :headbang::headbang: (also DoB & Egypt :headbang: ) when I saw them on their mini US tour @ Jaxx. That was before they started doing the Odyssey. They did them in a row, which was really cool. Too bad I'll probably never see it live again :cry:
RR1 Player said:
SX played the Accolade I & II :headbang::headbang: (also DoB & Egypt :headbang: ) when I saw them on their mini US tour @ Jaxx. That was before they started doing the Odyssey. They did them in a row, which was really cool. Too bad I'll probably never see it live again :cry:

ARRRGHHHH! I can't believe I missed that! :yell:
I know it has been in the rotation before but I would absolutly LOVE to hear Dressed to Kill. That song just kicks amazing amounts of underappreciated ass. Not to mention that it has by far one of the best MJR solos.

Dragons Den would be amazing, and I've always loved Out of the Ashes which they removed from the playlist on this recent tour, which made me frown.

I like dem guys and their tunes
snakeey11 said:
It might just be me, but would anyone else love to hear a version of Absinthe And Rue with Russell Allen on vocals?

Damn Straight!! I sent an email to MJR today about that very thing! I asked him (again--I think I'm getting through to him or just getting to him) about the rumor of the band redoing the first album. I would LOVE to hear Russell do those songs--the old singer sounded like a low-rent Dokken cover band.
SyXified said:
I know it has been in the rotation before but I would absolutly LOVE to hear Dressed to Kill. That song just kicks amazing amounts of underappreciated ass. Not to mention that it has by far one of the best MJR solos.
This is actually the first bit of a Bach prelude (C minor? C# minor? I forget which one). He does a great adaptation of it, though. Vitalij Kuprij also uses it in an Artension song. I forget which one. This is probably common knowledge on this board, but anyways...

My top picks would be:

1. The Divine Wings of Tragedy WITH the original Gregorian-style chant introduction. God that part rules so much. If they hired a chorus, they could also use the chorus on other songs where appropriate.

2. A Lesson Before Dying

3. Lacrimosa (see above about DWoT)

4. Rediscovery 1 & 2

5. The Edge of Forever

6. Whispers

7. A Winter's Dream (with prelude)

8. A cover of Bach's toccata and fugue in D minor. I want to see MJR go nuts with this song.
The Metal Chick said:
Now, I definitely agree that they should play some different tunes after playing the same ones so often, but I must say, that after seeing them do basically the same songs all nine times I've seen them, I really didn't care what they played. Just seeing them perform live is an experience in itself :)

hell yeah! now theres a true SX fan. i agree. but then again they could probably just stand up on stage and not play a single note and i'de still be like "wow...they're amazing!" heh, its just such a cool thing to see a band in person. especially SX. now don't everyone start yellin at me. i know you are ALL true SX fans. and i know what you mean. i don't think anyone is really complaining here. its never a bad thing to switch things up a bit. they have so many great songs. why not try some of them out! well, anyways...it was a tough decision, but i went with winters dream, candle light fantasia, and the eyes of medusa. at first i had all songs from divine wings cause that was the first SX cd i had and thats the one that really got me into the band. so i would love to see them play any of the songs from that CD live cause all those songs bring back a lot of memories. but i went with winters dream cause...i dunno...i like it (imagine that) and think it would be cool to see live. the eyes of medusa is badass and candle light fantasia is just a beautiful song. the end!
Hmm- Hopefully LotO will take notice to the highest rated songs in this poll, and relay t hem to the band. Ala - Dragons Den, Rediscovery, Fools Paradise, Edge of Forever etc.

Plus, I think SX needs to do 4 hour sets. none of this 3 hour DT bullshit. 4 hours!
I would of course like to see all of them but I will narrow it down to my top two. First is definately The Edge of Forever, I still think the quality of the DG album didn't do any of the tracks justice, especially this song in particular. My second pick is not only not on the list, but nobody else has mentioned it, which is quite strange actually. The song I am talking about is Church of the Machine, that song is just amazing!

BTW Technetium, not trying to be a prick or anything, but I am pretty sure that the chorus at the beginning of DWOT is not gregorian chanting. Gregorian chanting is more gothic sounding, really hard to describe (more of a "chanting" and not singing). However, I don't know the exact term to describe the chorus at the beginning.......?