which SSD version should i buy?


Jul 27, 2005
hey there,

just a quick question:
I'll be recording a rather serious full-length release soon, and as it turned out i'll have to use programmed drums instead of real ones :(
the style is modern death metal with a few progressive elements thrown in (namely jazzy or melodic/atmospheric clean parts) btw.
so, which SSD version should i be looking at?
why SSD? well, i already have addictive drums, and while it's "ok", it's just not my cup of tea overall...not enough cymbals unless you add another midi track and AD instance for those, and mainly the snares just don't cut it for this style imho. the SSD clips i've heared so far sounded *really* pro and just plain awesome though, definitely the kinda sound i'm after.
this is what i've access to
so i guess it's mainly about LE vs SE really.
to make a long story short, does the LE version provide enough samples and overall features to do a real full length with, or should i rather go SE for that?

thanks in advance
From what I understand, LE is the same kits and everything from the full version, just not so many of them.
yep le is the same as the platinum but you get 20 kits instead of 40, everything else is exactly the same

i highly recommend it
You'll be alright with LE, same samples just less kits. If the funds aren't much of an issue though go Platinum, I did and I LOVE these samples. I haven't really checked to see if the ones I use are in LE to be honest but LE does contain the majority of the awesome kits, it would have to for anyone to buy it at all. That said, the Green Day kit in Platinum has a fucking AWESOME snare and kick.
thanks for the answers!

how about future upgrades (e.g. 3 to 3.5) with LE vs SE? are there seperate upgrades for the versions or will i have to go SE if i upgrade to 3.5 or whatever?
just a random thought....

well, if anyone who's got SE could be so kind and double check if there are any *essential* metal drums missing in LE?
the reason i'm asking is that i could deal with not having a bunch of kits suited for punk or heavy rock or the likes, as i'm really only doing metal right now, and mainly death metal / deathcore on top of that :D
but once again, if there are any essential kits that would fit this style perfectly in the SE only i'll go for that one...while funds aren't exactly a non-issue, i guess that would be very well spent money so...
upgrades will be the same, the only difference is the number of kits

i think the only two kits i really want from the se are the deftones and the green day kit, but you get most the metal ones in the le