Which Tiamat album should I get?

Wildhoney !!

I've always prefered 'Astral Sleep' to 'Clouds'. Maybe you should first listen to both albums.
"A Deeper Kind of Slumber" is also a very good album...it's not only 'very good' it's maybe the best album that came out in 1997...but I guess it will be too electronic for you...
then get The Astral Sleep

it's the heaviest and has some really good lyrics.
but the album is from 1991 - it's one of the first Melodic Death Metal albums, probably the first melo death album with acoustic guitars, keyboards and clean vocals. You shouldn't compare it to the modern stuff.

Clouds is not as heavy as Astral Sleep, it's slower and doesn't have this 'evil' feeling. Wildhoney has only two or three songs that can be called 'heavy' the rest ist atmospheric stuff with lots of synths. But the lyrics on Clouds and Wildhoney are the best Edlund ever wrote.
"Skeleton Skeletron" is better than the new one, "Judas Christ", but still nowhere near the early and mid-period stuff.
why do you think that Skeletron is better than JC? Skeletron seem so unfinished to me, I could never really get into it, although it has some great songs that my buddies and I use to sing when we're really drunk ;) IMHO the playing and the songs are way better on the new one (compared to Skeletron), but unlike the older stuff it's just 'fun' or background music. They should've put more songs like "The Return of the son of nothing" on it - that one would've even fit on Wildhoney...
Astreal Sleep if you like more growly vocals
Clouds is kinda doomy with keys and not as growly.... my fav
Wilhoney was totally pink floyd influences
Skeletron was kinda like doomy/goth w/ electronics
Judas Christ is happy pop stuff "vote for love" I laughed at
"So much for suicide" I laughed at .... kinda reminded me of the side project Johan has Lucyfire. He said Judas is writen the way it is cuz he doesnt wanna be remembered for just bringing doom into people. some crap like that its on there site www.churchoftiamat.com

I really love Tiamat and my first cd from them was Clouds and I really felt it. Lyrically its great musically its great.

I dont own Sumerian Cry or A Deaper kind of slumber.
They do have a live EP and its rare but I am proud to own it "the musical history of tiamat" There is also another one .... the name is escaping me right now .... but some of it is on a re-release by Century Media its on the Astreal Sleep.
Originally posted by phyre

(snip) Treblinka, if you didn't know, was the name of a nazi concentration camp, so it's not exactly a politically correct name; however, the band had no nazi tendencies, they rather chose it because of its shock value. (snip)so they changed it to Tiamat before releasing their debut album.

Treblinka was No ordinary Nazi Concentration camp. It was one of three or five set up SPECIFICALLY as a Death chamber for the Jews, Gypsies, and "Non-Aryans", as opposed to the other camps, including the more famous Polish camps, which were desaigned as Labor camps, and holding grounds for political prisoners. Johan would've had to change the name VERY quickly if he hadn't done so when he did.
I'd suggest to buy "Wildhoney" or the "Gaia ep" that is containing the best tracks from Wildhoney for a lower price. Actually I find all other TIAMAT stuff quite boring and uninspired...