which Emperor cd should I get?

Saw them live on Equilibrium tour and it was awesome. Was a fan for a while, and it was pretty cool to talk to Ihsahn. Pretty deep dude.
ProjectedBlack said:
The Greys, I never get where you're coming from when you compare Emperor and Dimmu Borgir. Have you ever actually listened to these two bands? Were you drunk or high when you did so? Dimmu Borgir and Emperor have never sounded even remotely similar to me, but then again I only have two Dimmu albums (Stormblast and Deathcult) and havn't felt the need to get more of their material.
It's just the greys trying to be funny.
ProjectedBlack said:
The Greys, I never get where you're coming from when you compare Emperor and Dimmu Borgir. Have you ever actually listened to these two bands? Were you drunk or high when you did so? Dimmu Borgir and Emperor have never sounded even remotely similar to me, but then again I only have two Dimmu albums (Stormblast and Deathcult) and havn't felt the need to get more of their material.

Get DB's Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia... good album... better then Deathcult... if u dont want to buy it ask someone to burn it for you or burn it yourself... anyways as for Emperor.. get In the Nightside .... above all.. i got IX Equilibrium.. but wasnt impressed... only listened to it like 3 times since i bought it in October.. i might give Prometheus a shot...
The Greys said:
Get the new Emperor Borgir 'puritanical armageddon IX equilibrium' coming out on Sony music. The album features satanophonic music & production straight from the depths of hell.

"Review from Roadrunner Records.

'the ultimate black metal album' featuring Ihsah, Shagrath,Galder & Hellhammer(from Mayhem)

"Circus magazine says...

Fucking Brilliant."

"Julia from Uranium says...

Real fucking norwegian death metal. fucking love this fucking album. It makes my nipples fucking hard. fuck yeah



Hellhammer has a new endorcement deal with Toys 'r Us. Hellhammer gets as many plastic kiddie drum kits he desires. Hellhammer is the real deal! Buy the new Emperor Borgir or parish in flames''

"Sony Music!.....

'puritanical armageddon IX equilibrium' sends icelandic people into the gateway to hell. The local legends are trOO!!!. Dimmu Borgir is real"
That's a fucking trip, man! What the fuck are you on?
Especially the Hellhammer part!:rock:

Emperor had a lot more credibility than DummyBurger ever will though.