which Emperor cd should I get?

Sadly, I have not. The only things I've heard from Golden Dawn are two crappy quality MPIII's recorded for me off of a tape player by some guy on Yahoo! Since then I've lost track of them, but they were *ALWAYS* in rotation on my computer when I had them, even though some times I could hear the guy breathing in the background... -_- Same with Pazuzu... except I only had one MPIII by them, "The Five Emperors". Surprisingly, I found that on KazaaLite and it was of very good quality.

If you've got "Masquerade" on MPIII, send it my way. :D I'd be happy to give you an opinion, but I have to hear it first. :spin:
Man, Emperor are the kings. I can't think of another band as influential in a scene as tough as black metal. Dude, they have been rated in the top 15 metal bands of all time by different mags. Very respectable mags too, as Emperor were really gracious and appreciative of it. Ihsahn said, "It's an honor to be in the top 20 with bands like Metallica and Judas Priest." DUDE! THIS IS BLACK METAL WE ARE TALKING ABOUT! Emperor were so influential and so groundbreaking in black metal, that they practically brought it up from nothing. Some would argue that it was Mayhem's doing, but I feel that Emperor are head and shoulders above Mayhem. They brought an unknown genre and made it relevent, period. When you mention Emperor, not everyone listens to them, but they know them. People who know nothing about extreme metal know who Emperor are.

Prometheus and Anthems are neck and neck IMO, although Promentheus is my favorite. Anthems was probably the best BLACK METAL album I've ever heard, but Prometheus is probably one of the best metal albums overall, IMO.
No one likes Prometheus except for a select handfull, which blows my mind, considering what an excellent album it is. I think it's equal to Anthems for their best album.
@Nightmarez: I have the cd, but no MPIII´s... I really dont think it´s that good, but they have some great riffing.. It´s the cleanvocals that tend to spoil the tracks, because they are executed awfully... The sound is very thin and light, and sometimes it goes a bit cheezy, even though I do not like that expression... Anyway; I guess it´s a matter of taste...
Originally posted by ~UlvedaL~
@Nightmarez: I have the cd, but no MPIII´s... I really dont think it´s that good, but they have some great riffing.. It´s the cleanvocals that tend to spoil the tracks, because they are executed awfully... The sound is very thin and light, and sometimes it goes a bit cheezy, even though I do not like that expression... Anyway; I guess it´s a matter of taste...

Heh, are they strained? I mean, does it sound like he should be anywhere near the key he's singing in? I guess it could be considered a matter of taste, or maybe he's just pushing his voice beyond it's limits.
FlatteningOfEmotions said:
No one likes Prometheus except for a select handfull, which blows my mind, considering what an excellent album it is. I think it's equal to Anthems for their best album.
That makes me want to give it another shot, but I just can't seem to "get" it :cry:
I have all of them and they are all worth having. ^ Prometheus is a great album, for shure give it another shot. Who else has tickets to the show in LA I just bought my tickets last weeks. Im traveling all the way from New Mexico to see them play its going to kick so much ass.
Get the new Emperor Borgir 'puritanical armageddon IX equilibrium' coming out on Sony music. The album features satanophonic music & production straight from the depths of hell.

"Review from Roadrunner Records.

'the ultimate black metal album' featuring Ihsah, Shagrath,Galder & Hellhammer(from Mayhem)

"Circus magazine says...

Fucking Brilliant."

"Julia from Uranium says...

Real fucking norwegian death metal. fucking love this fucking album. It makes my nipples fucking hard. fuck yeah



Hellhammer has a new endorcement deal with Toys 'r Us. Hellhammer gets as many plastic kiddie drum kits he desires. Hellhammer is the real deal! Buy the new Emperor Borgir or parish in flames''

"Sony Music!.....

'puritanical armageddon IX equilibrium' sends icelandic people into the gateway to hell. The local legends are trOO!!!. Dimmu Borgir is real"
what the fuck are you talking about ^.
I think you need to lay off the drugs, seriously man
The Greys, I never get where you're coming from when you compare Emperor and Dimmu Borgir. Have you ever actually listened to these two bands? Were you drunk or high when you did so? Dimmu Borgir and Emperor have never sounded even remotely similar to me, but then again I only have two Dimmu albums (Stormblast and Deathcult) and havn't felt the need to get more of their material.