Which tone? - Opinions needed

Which tone do you prefer?

  • Short Sample

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Long Sample

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Krank it UP!
Sep 3, 2006
Victoria, Australia
I have 2 scratch samples here both of the same song and want to know which one sounds better (subjective I know, they both may be crap:heh: ) and my ears are fried so I can't decide. Both samples are quad-tracked (2 different lots of quad-tracks, not the same 4 tracks in each sample).

Shorter sample is:

100% L/R Gain at 7.5
80% L/R Gain at 6.5 3dB lower than 100% pans

Presence 5
Sweep 3
Bass 1.5
Mid 2
Treb 5
Master Vol 2.5

Longer sample is:

100% L/R Gain at 6.5
80% L/R Gain at 6.5 3dB lower than 100% pans

Presence 5
Sweep 5
Bass 1.5
Mid 4.5
Treb 5
Master Vol 2.5

Both samples have only had Low-cut at 50Hz and notched at 129Hz (this guitar seems to love producing that frequency :goggly: ). No other post processing (as you will probably notice, it's still pretty raw).

Please don't pay too much attention to my bum notes and sloppy playing (this song is hard to quad-track, for me at least :heh: :blush: ) as I am only trying to get a nice tone before I spend a lot of time getting it played tight.

So which do you prefer:

Short Sample or Long Sample?

Any feedback appreciated. Good or bad. Thanks.

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UPDATED: Different EQ's

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I have just listened back to both and don't like either of them.:Puke: :lol:

It sounded so bassy when I was recording, I just kept cutting back on the bass (as you can see it was down at 1.5) and raising the sweep to get away from the boominess. Now after 30 mins to get fresher ears, I hate both tones. They are hollow and weak, oh well.:heh: :mad: :rolleyes: :goggly: :lol: :zombie: :blush: :ill: :cry: :u-huh:

I will leave this post here anyway for a what tone NOT to go for.:lol:

I should add a third option on the poll: "Neither, they both sound like poo".

Damn, gotta hate fried ears.:zombie:
I think they are both very workable tones. Prefer the shorter sample, second sample has too honky mids imo, thats probably down to the o/d youre using, sounds like my OD808. Good job though, i say.

Thanks for listening and the response. I am not using an OD though, straight into the Krank. The sweep control raises all the Tone controls of the amp, so with it set around 5 (I wrote 3 as Sweep in the first post due to copy/paste, I will edit it to 5) and then the Mids set around 5, yes it is does become pretty Honky:lol:


Thanks for listening. I too really don't care for either of them as well.:ill:

Maybe I could "polish the turd" with some EQ and see what happens. It might be interesting to see what some EQ will do.:zombie: