while i was posting that last thread, the director set a fire in her office

this is her "don't tell anyone! shut up!!!" the day after she narced me out for wearing a mini skirt. and a week after she told the HEAD of the agency that i was a 'mean little bitch'.

i didnt even have to turn her in, the smell turned her in. it's just that she runs over to my desk like i'm some infamous shit talker and tells me to shut up!

i laughed and said 'did your fishnets burn?' i'm so getting fired.
there are many colors of fishnets, but she sticks to the black ones. its not okay. you know? esp. since she dissed my skirt (plz see thread about mega mini for picture)
well three HR people have come down to reprimand her and she keeps slamming her door and sending out emails saying 'as a reminder we are to NEVER burn incense or candles in the office'.
What type of incense is it that it smells so bad?


This stuff smells good, although not like it's name implies...
it's some kind of really strong jasmine type smell, or maybe lavendar? either way it's just really strong. i badly wanted to see the damage, and i tried to sneak in her office before i left with my digital camera... but to my chagrin she was hanging around.