While listening to radio...


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
My boss is away for the week and she left me a ton of work to do, but she gave me her office (instead of my cubicle) to work as relaxed as possible. Since the work involves mostly input data in Excel I have been glued to the machine basically all day.
Suddenly yesterday I recall that hardradio.com have streaming music and against all odds I could connect and have a good streaming.

So while listening to radio I discover that actually my tastes are right for me, I mean unless I check the website I don't know what is playing but I can tell from the vocals or the music who can be or if I like it or not. So I've been hit with lost of music from bands I never heard or dismiss and discover while checking wtf am I listening to, that I was right and I don't like it!.

That includes U.D.O., new Judas Priest, Nashville Pussy, Dangerous Toys, Seven Witches, Metallica (new) as examples, on the other hand I was hit with songs I recognize at first copule of bars so I immediately begin to tap my foot, discovering that are stuff I already own but didn't recognized the song from the start, that includes Leatherwolf, Black Sabbath, Judas Priest (old), Saxon, Sebastian Bach, Iommi, Metallica (old) as examples

One surprise is 'Saint Of Los Angeles' the track is not bad and I'm not a Motley Crue fan, but the song is enjoyable enough not to mute the volume :)

Have anyone had a similar experience?

P.S Listening to Motorhead right now :worship:
I listen to pandora radio at work and have had similar experiences! I've got it as a constant gadget on my sidebar (VISTA).

I dl'd a copy of the new Crue album and enjoyed it enough to go out and buy the CD! If you liked the old Motley Crue you will love the new one front to back!

I like that Nights With Alice Cooper show i dont why Q95 pulled that show. When i went to visit family in Muncie IN i got to hear the show on Max and he played Diamonds And Rust from Judas Priest i was shit i never heard that song on the radio \m/!
I used to listen to hardradio.com at work a few years ago, before my company decided to block all streaming audio & video. I remember discovering Hammerfall from that website... they used to play End of the Rainbow frequently. Cool site. Only problem was that the playlist got repetitive if you listen frequently enough.
I don't listen to the radio at all. Having to listen to music, and whatever else I don't like just to hear a few songs I might like it punishment to me. I have a battery radio for bad weather only! And no radio in my car either. :)
I used to listen to hardradio.com at work a few years ago, before my company decided to block all streaming audio & video. I remember discovering Hammerfall from that website... they used to play End of the Rainbow frequently. Cool site. Only problem was that the playlist got repetitive if you listen frequently enough.

I'm amazed I can access it, I work for a Ministry and they have a ton of blockers, for example I cannot access MySpace but I can access Hi5 :zombie:, I can access our forum but I cannot access www.witches-brew.com (the other forum I attend) because the site has a tag related to alcohol! :loco: I tried www.knac.com and got blocked.

Also agree that Hardradio.com becomes repetitive in their playlist, but damn yesterday I was enjoying songs that I never (like KMADD experience) listened in radio in my life, that was cool, some stuff I couldn't hold it so I put the mute mode, usually songs by bands I already don't like per se or stylewise.

NP: Alestorm - 'Terror Of The High Seas' (on MP3 I have to buy that damned album)
I usually listen to Snakenet Metal Radio but sometimes it gets a bit heavy on the ears and head. I also try and frequent Global Pirate Radio. But I like to be in control of what hurts my ears.
No radio for me either, not in my personal time. I can't give up control of what I listen to. I don't like to gamble an hour of my time to maybe get 10 or (if I'm really lucky) 20 minutes of true enjoyment. I've heard internet and satellite radio and it is a HUGE improvement over FM. But it's still not for me, I use the internet in my free time to find new bands.

If I was forced to listen to radio, I'd choose Pandora. At least there you can control what style of music is being played depending on your mood.
Just for clarification, I never listen to radio. But in the job I don't have time to sit and listen to music and/or ye opportunity to fill the computer with music (it's jond of shared). I was taking advantage of my boss being away to use her office at leisure :D

I only listen to my CDs and tapes, full control of whan anwhen I want to listen to something.