Whitechapel - I, Dementia. Vocal, guitar, mix, master, everything cover


New Metal Member
Sep 30, 2005

Fairly simple song which is some kind of neurotic dream.
What makes it huge it's a drop-G tuning and slow tempo.

Since I don't have a 7 or 8 string anymore, I decided to use my old Epiphone SG Custom Prophecy EX to make it alive.
Before that I switch positions of EMG81/85 pickups so now in a bridge position you can hear EMG85.
It's less tight but more ballsy and I think in this song is more important.

Guitars was recorded via Roland Quad Capture into Cubase.
I double tracked rhythm guitars: first with EMG81 and second with EMG85. Then blend them about in a way that EMG85 is my main sound.

Guitars are processes with Peavey Revalver.
Drums are SD 2.0 and bass is generated by Spectrasonics Trilian.
I also use A LOT Toontrack EZmix 2 VST plugin because it's great for fast and efficient work.

Vocals was recorded using Audiotechnica ATM33a.
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