Who are your top 5 vocalists to replace Khan?

Here's the problem as I see it. For the last 4 to 5 years Kamelot's image is Khan based. Their marketing has been targeted at the pop-goths. Khan was marketed as a sex symbol (in looks and voice). That's fine. It's their choice. But what are they going to do with a new vocalist? I get, sing the old material, fine. But at that point you are a tribute band (even if the writer is still there, none of them are especially skilled instrumentally, so any tribute band can do what they can do at this point). Thomas is the writer, the music is his, so I want to know what new direction he will take this band. If he gets another singer to continue the goth-pop then its unlikely I will enjoy their next release. But if he continues with Fabio (or somebody similar) and goes back to being a heavier prog/power metal band, then I think its quite likely I'll enjoy the next release.

So I need to know the direction of the future of Kamelot, before I care who sings for them. I'm not interested in who is going to lead the tribute band. I don't need to see a singer who can sound like Khan (some of the same people who railed against Journey's choice to drop JSS, got hard at the idea of certain sound-alikes).
Britt, funny you mention that, I also thought of him.

Am I the only one who thinks Silvio Massaro (Vanishing Point) would also be a good fit?
I'm kind of hoping they surprise us by finding a ridiculously talented unknown. Tommy would be cool, but as others said, I don't want him leaving Seventh Wonder.

I don't care unless Thoman decides to start writing good material again, instead of this goth-pop shit for bubblegum princesses.

If any of these competent but generic singers get the job I would rather them end the band. Khans voice had a distinctive aspect to it, While these other guys that are being Mentioned have great voices but nothing that seperates them from the traditional whaling high end ball pincher. So what you will get is probably good liver performances of classic material but cant see a new CD being anything spectacular with these type of guys.

If any of these competent but generic singers get the job I would rather them end the band. Khans voice had a distinctive aspect to it, While these other guys that are being Mentioned have great voices but nothing that seperates them from the traditional whaling high end ball pincher. So what you will get is probably good liver performances of classic material but cant see a new CD being anything spectacular with these type of guys.

I got your back here. Yeah, Eriksen and Soto and others mentioned are great singers, but for me they are just highly competent technicians that don't bring that intangible *something* to the table like Khan did. I really think the band has their work cut out for them to find somebody that won't just leave them treading water.
I don't care unless Thoman decides to start writing good material again, instead of this goth-pop shit for bubblegum princesses.

If you're comparing Kamelot to bands like HIM and Dommin, then I think you need to take the plugs out of your ears. Kamelot is like a dark, heavy 50-piece symphony, to HIM's goth-teenager-with-a-Casio.

Oh, and btw, I *like* HIM and Dommin. But other than a love of dry ice and long black overcoats, they aren't musically in the same universe.

Oh, and btw, I *like* HIM and Dommin. But other than a love of dry ice and long black overcoats, they aren't musically in the same universe.

Correct, both of those bands are heaps better than Kamelot. I'll take the casio over the pretentious, misdirected "symphony" (lol yeah right, more like pro tools) any day of the week.

imo. inb4lynching.
If you're comparing Kamelot to bands like HIM and Dommin, then I think you need to take the plugs out of your ears. Kamelot is like a dark, heavy 50-piece symphony, to HIM's goth-teenager-with-a-Casio.

Oh, and btw, I *like* HIM and Dommin. But other than a love of dry ice and long black overcoats, they aren't musically in the same universe.

I'm not. But HIM actually has some really good stuff :)
Sure, because at least they write catchy songs. I don't get all the hate for HIM, even one of my favorite bands in metal Amorphis gloriously ripped off their style many a time (but I <3 them for it).


Not plagiarism or anything, but the styles are obviously without a doubt similar. Wouldn't be surprised if they were buds.
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I never get the Seventh Wonder love. The singer reminds me of Russel Allen but not as good. The Micheal Erikson is too Nasally (dunno how to spell it) sort of like Charlie Dominicci and i hate that style. Jeff Scott Soto was never my cup of tea Hated him with Yngvie. John West is a great singer loved him in Royal Hunt but wouldn't fit Kamelot. Fabio Lione is way too high register for Kamelot. (though i am very impressed with his Kamelot performance). The Biggest part of losing Khan is the Fact that he helped Thomas write Melodies alot better then with the 2 previous (plus first khan cd) which were horrid albums. Youngblood can write his ass off but Roy gave him some refinement that i don't thing any other singer can bring. That said Kamelot would need a singer with a lot of character in his voice and someone with some star power, or this band will be a shadow of what it was.
Since he will need a new band soon how about Warrel Dane? lol
Sure, because at least they write catchy songs. I don't get all the hate for HIM, even one of my favorite bands in metal Amorphis gloriously ripped off their style many a time (but I <3 them for it).

Not plagiarism or anything, but the styles are obviously without a doubt similar. Wouldn't be surprised if they were buds.

I don't hate HIM, I just don't find them to be anything special. I'm cool with catchy, but HIM doesn't do it for me. I listened to "Love Metal" in college. Was not impressed.

Moonchild - you are, of course, entitled to your opinion. However, I am entitled to the opinion that your opinions are formed because you're on drugs. :Spin:
Sure, because at least they write catchy songs. I don't get all the hate for HIM, even one of my favorite bands in metal Amorphis gloriously ripped off their style many a time (but I <3 them for it).

I could never get into HIM... I tried listening to them and was completely turned off by the fact that all their lyrics were the same. Then their fanbase (they had quite the cult following at my high school) ruined them even more for me. I never want to see a heartagram ever again. D: