Who are your top 5 vocalists to replace Khan?

You watched the clip Jen's posted (#42) as well right?

Now I have. Wow.

I don't think I'll ever forgive myself for missing the fest (Seventh Wonder) last year. I am just going to keep a very tiny little bit of hope that Kamelot brings Tommy along for a the US tour, though I find it highly unlikely mainly due to costs.
I think they should invite the top singers from all around the progressive/power scene and film an epic web series about the audition and selection process...

It'd make a great DVD.

But as an actual post. Tommy is pretty darn good and I'd like to hear him in the studio with them.
I would not be disappointed if Tommy ended up singing for Kamelot full-time. Hotty McHotterson Swede with a killer voice? YES PLEASE.

I'd be kinda disappointed...going from the best prog metal band in recent years to a band with one of the most disappointing downturns in recent years doesn't seem like a good thing to me! But if anything can bring Kamelot back....it's Tommy. Dude is a vocal god.
After hearing Michael Ericksen perform the Kamelot vocals as brilliantly as he did at ProgPower, I can't even bother thinking of anyone else that could do better.

However, as Andy mentioned, I wouldn't want to see Circus Maximus fall apart due to Ericksen landing a gig in Kamelot.....CM is my favorite band!

Just to mention; Kelly Sundown Carpenter is great at singing Khan....he used to sing it out loud all the time, nailed it perfectly.
I get a kick out of people assuming that just because a vocalist could potentially join Kamelot, it automatically means their other band would fall apart. Just because it wouldn't be the sole focus anymore doesn't mean CM, SW, or any other band would cease to exist. It just means we'd get to hear an awesome voice in TWO bands, instead of one. That's how I look at it, anyway.
Yeah, Seventh Wonder tour so little that I think Tommy could be in both, tbh. They don't even tour, per se, they just play a few scattered shows here and there. That's probably why SW are so freakishly unknown.
Circus Maximus has been compared by some to Dream Theater, but they seem to tour so little. If Ericksen joined Kamelot, he may be able to make a decent living off Kamelot's touring. However, I think Youngblood may go for an American-based singer. Will make things much easier for Kamelot to operate as the singer is right here to do the needed vocal work. I think one of the things that burned Khan out was the constant back-and-forth from Norway to Tampa.

Unless my hunch was right and this breakup was about the do-re-mi?
Wow, this is a "no brainer". Tommy fits just perfect. The look, the image, the voice...I don't think there is anybody else out there but him that can potentially take Kamelot even further than where they got to with Roy on vocals.
Tommy Karevik spends too much time standing up to sing for Kamelot. Wouldn't fit. He needs to squat in his anguish. :D

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