who can make the best out of this bass track!?

thanks a lot guys! :)
listened to all the clips, they all sound much better than what i was able to get out of the DI
but there's still something missing, i guess i have to buy new strings an retrack everything.

i think i will still start another try with the actual strings as these are really ot that old.
maybe i just started from the wrong point, i hate bass guitars, to many pots and options...:D

any hints what a good sarting setup is?

the bass is a scecter stiletto custom 4 with EMG-35hz pickups and active tone controls.
it's not a cheap bass so i think it's the settings.

should i use the bridge or the neck pickup or blend in the middle?

what about the tone controls, i can turn these completely down
then there is a snap point in the middle and i can turn the pots completely up.

somebody told me that a neutral position ma ybe the best, but what's neutral in this case.
all tone contrls turned down, or to the middle snap point?

Unless you're going for an R&B tone, do a bright blend or mostly on the bridge pickup. Use the active tone controls and try to get a nice fat DI signal.

I had fun playing with this too. Looking forward to the next batch.
glad you like the track! :)

looks like i did the exact oposite on this one,
kinda dialed everything tone related out so i just got a farting nothing as a DI^^

i'll post in this thread again when i have a new DI, again thanks a lot guys! :)

still no new bass strings here but i worked a little bit on the reamps mixed them together,
made some more tweaking etc. and i got THIS RESULT

i't not that bad IMHO but i am completely dear atm so...:lol:
