can someone turn a MIDI kick/snare into SSD for me!?

I'm sure it's perfectly legal. It's just a service he's doing for your song... however, I'm not sure why someone who bought the samples would want to do that for someone else for free. I mean, after all... the whole point of buying them is to be able to use them. Maybe Loren is more nice than he should be? haha

As far as the distributing/selling of the RAW samples... I wonder what RAW means exactly in this case? I mean, what's to stop somebody from processing the samples a little bit and then selling them as their own? They could get away with that legally, couldn't they?
Then, is this legal to produce your album asking someone to give you all the SSD tracks making your drum sound, all the GPO tracks for the orchestral parts, all the Ampeg reamping to do your bass sound ? I'd really like to know how all of this works :)
As far as the distributing/selling of the RAW samples... I wonder what RAW means exactly in this case? I mean, what's to stop somebody from processing the samples a little bit and then selling them as their own? They could get away with that legally, couldn't they?

I'm pretty sure that you cannot slightly change a sample and resell it - the usual EULA for samples of individual instruments require the samples to be used in the creation of musical arrangements. You cannot use them to create other sample libraries. Of this I am quite positive. Remember we are talking legality here as I'm sure there are some morally questionable people out there that have done just that and called it their own that have just not been caught, but if they did there would be penalties.

As an example from the Beta Monkey website (creators of the Double Bass Mania Loops)

3. Are these loops license-free? Royalty-free?

Yes. Beta Monkey music loops and samples are completely license-free and there are no royalties to pay so long as you use these loops/samples in music. You may not resell or distribute the loops "as is" in loop form no matter how you may tweak, EQ, combine or otherwise digitally alter them. You must use them in a musical composition of your own creation, commerical or private.

This is standard wording in most sample and/or loop libraries - you can use them all you want to create music, but it has to be music and if sold it must be sold as a collection of music and not advertised as a sample and/or loop library.
Well, not saying OP will do this, but sure it's quite easy to chop the samples from the wavs.
Well, not saying OP will do this, but sure it's quite easy to chop the samples from the wavs.

yea but if its midi and its slate, each sample wont be identical every hit.
especially with different volocities, room samples and the AMG working.

not really sure where i was going with that other than, its not going to be a specific slate sample but an altered one? although that cant be legal. and again i have no clue where i am going with all this, think its too much tracking, editing and not enough sleeping.