Who created blast beats?

The world will never know... According to the interwebz Mike Smith of Suffocation pioneered blast beats in metal, again, the world will never know.
Came gradually in a circle of drummers i suppose.

Not like some drummer said "HAI CHECK DIS OUT GUYZ, I JUST MADE UP" and burned off a blastbeat in 16ths@200bpm.
I still say Morbid Angel. I can't think of a single Venom song with blast beats, and yes, Napalm Death came first, but I think Morbid Angel was the first to really use the blast beats.

Edit: I was wrong. Scum came out two years before Altars of Madness
The Band Death created DM tho and they are aproximately 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000x better than Napalm Death (who the fuck want sped up punk) thank fuck Lee Dorian had the sense to leave Napalm Death a start a truly gr8 band (Cathedral)