Who is generally accepted as the fastest drummer?

MadTinus said:
Quote: "Honorable mention: Pete Sandoval's feet as mentioned in "opening the gates"... my jaw hit the fucking floor on that one.."

The heavy triggering take the kick out of that one if you ask me... It makes it sound like it's a drum machine or something. Hail Derek Roddy!

Well, if you see them live, he plays that song FASTER. I'm not kidding, go download a bootleg or something. There's absolutely no touching that.

I've heard (not from reliable sources or anything) that hellhammer has used the triggering trick where the programmed noise that replaces the actual drum hit was the sound of TWO of them, so he was playing half as fast as the record sounds. If he's done that, he sucks. If he hasn't, I've never heard anything that comes close to the Opening of the Gates anyway. Same deal with all these other jokers getting mentioned. Raymond Herrera? Don't make me laugh! Gene Hoglan has also never done anything close to that nasty either, not to say he's lousy or anything. I just think that most drummers that people label "the best" are about the same in terms of speed (like Martin Mendez, for instance, is probably just as fast as all those guys), but Sandoval is slightly faster. As far as actually being interesting drummers, however...most of them fall very short. Hellhammer is as boring as fuck on the albums where he isn't blasting away (like arcturus's last album, Winds, etc), and I can't remember the last time Hoglan made an INTERESTING beat. Therefore, Mendez is better :D :D :D.

For a drummer that is just GOOD, and has actual variation in his playing along with some pretty frigging nasty speed abilities, check out Novembre. The blast beat break in "Child of the Twilight" is jaw dropping! I'd say he's my favorite drummer...he's not as fancy as Portnoy, but he's the closest thing that I've heard in the metal world.
Thomas Haake from Meshuggah. He hadn't been mentioned up until this page. But God almighty, he is a SICK SICK drummer. Maybe not the fastest, but the polyrhythms they do are sickening. Terry Bozzio, Virgil Donati, Mike Mangini, Tony Williams, Mike Portnoy, Danny Carey, and Bill Bruford are all excellent drummers as well.
Well everyone is mentioning Trym but all he has to show are some good blasts, almost EVERY SINGLE ONE of his rolls are completely rushed or off-time in some way. Just listen to Emperial Live Ceremony. That's not control, that's speed without discipline and shouldn't be ranked with the likes of Hellhammer, Sandoval, John Longstreth etc. Flo is damn fast as well but he also plays tons of stuff off time.

For blast beats John Longstreth owns every other drummer mentioned. He does the gravity blast twice the speed Flo does.
wankerness said:
Hellhammer is as boring as fuck on the albums where he isn't blasting away (like arcturus's last album, Winds, etc),

I agree with you about Giuseppi Orlando (novembre). That guy has speed and tastefulness and his beats are awesome! But your comment about hellhammer is stupid. Are you a drummer? His drumming on winds is not exceptionally amazing but technically its nice and does the trick. But the latest arcturus has tons of talent and skill displayed. His hand technique is VERY smooth and controlled. His ride hits in many songs (especially track 3, titled escapes me) are very tasty and his triple stroking sounds defined and clear. When the music comes back in with 4 on the floor in For to End it Again his hi-hat stroking is EXTREMELY well done! There are also enough syncopations and interesting beats on there to fill a warehouse. You have made a bold and dumb comment pal.
ControlledChaos: I must say that I agree completely on everything you said about Hellhammer. But have you seen how relaxed Trym in the Emperor consert? He does not appear to be pushing it at any point. That's just the way the rolls are supposed to sound :)
Flo Mounier:Just maybe the best for metal, on thrash beats, death beats, double bass, drum and symbol fills.

Fast double bass i heard is still Sandovall on the choroses of "Opening of the Gates" Put doesnt he use triggers? triggers are those red things right attached to the drums and toms? if not can u tell me what triggers look like.

Toni of Nile
Derek ROddy (surprised no one mentioned him)
ControlledChaos said:
I agree with you about Giuseppi Orlando (novembre). That guy has speed and tastefulness and his beats are awesome! But your comment about hellhammer is stupid. Are you a drummer? His drumming on winds is not exceptionally amazing but technically its nice and does the trick. But the latest arcturus has tons of talent and skill displayed. His hand technique is VERY smooth and controlled. His ride hits in many songs (especially track 3, titled escapes me) are very tasty and his triple stroking sounds defined and clear. When the music comes back in with 4 on the floor in For to End it Again his hi-hat stroking is EXTREMELY well done! There are also enough syncopations and interesting beats on there to fill a warehouse. You have made a bold and dumb comment pal.

No, I'm not a drummer, I just know a bunch about the "art." I haven't listened to winds in about a million years cause I remembered being bored out of my mind by it and I remembered that some guy was going "Hellhammer is better than portnoy just listen to Winds" and that I thought "wow that guy's a blockhead" while I was listening to it. So, yes, it was based on a foggy memory and I'm stupid! Ahahah. I think Hellhammer is plenty smooth or whatever, I just think that his beats on the arcturus album feel very mechanical. It fits the music, of course...but it's not very interesting. I find the drumming on that song with Ihsahn to be a zany laugh riot, though (cause it's so darn cool).
I don't care who the fastest drummer is. For me it's about how he plays in the band; what does he add to the sound of the band. That's it. You can play really fast, but if you don't have the knowledge of what you're playing: you're a stupid drummer and a worse musician.
loebs said:
Flo Mounier:Just maybe the best for metal, on thrash beats, death beats, double bass, drum and symbol fills.

Fast double bass i heard is still Sandovall on the choroses of "Opening of the Gates" Put doesnt he use triggers? triggers are those red things right attached to the drums and toms? if not can u tell me what triggers look like.

Toni of Nile
Derek ROddy (surprised no one mentioned him)
Every drummer you listed uses Electronic Drum triggers. Its not just Sandoval. In fact theres not a popular death metal band that doesnt use them.