Who is generally accepted as the fastest drummer?

Originally posted by requiem

Where did you hear this? It's well known, and quite obvious, that his drums are triggered, but I've never heard a conspiracy theory like this one.

There is quite a difference between playing something live with relative precision, and to record make perfectly on a record. Quite a difference.

This information I have gotten from the studio where they recorded, so it's pretty reliable. In fact, he himself has also openly admitted to this among the drum collegues in the scene, having them promise not to leak the information.

Just face the fact: that that's a fact!
Originally posted by Kovenant84
um....right....where do you get all this 'highly secret' info anyway?....your ass perhaps?

Now this sounds very much like a reply of someone who ran out of logical arguments.... don't you think?

For all you know I could be Nick Barker, or Hellhammer or Dave Lombardo. You have no idea who hides behind the words.
I'm a bit surprised at how few people mentioned Gene Hoglan, but then again this seems like a pure speed thread. He's not always the fastest with his feet, but from a musician's view, with all the metal bands I've ever heard or seen, nobody's even come close to pulling off what he does on a kit with the ACCURACY and speed that he does. Trym is great, as is everyone else mentioned so far (seriously), but (to me (read:opinion)) they all seem to take a seat behind him. I wish his drum sound wasn't so compressed when he played with Death and I wish Testament hadn't made him "play less" when he recorded Demonic with them..

Honorable mention: Pete Sandoval's feet as mentioned in "opening the gates"... my jaw hit the fucking floor on that one..

Quote: "Honorable mention: Pete Sandoval's feet as mentioned in "opening the gates"... my jaw hit the fucking floor on that one.."

The heavy triggering take the kick out of that one if you ask me... It makes it sound like it's a drum machine or something. Hail Derek Roddy!

Have YOU heard Nile??
Originally posted by MadTinus

The heavy triggering take the kick out of that one if you ask me... It makes it sound like it's a drum machine or something.

Yeah, is does sound kinda fake, but I've seen them and I felt sure that was Pete behind the kicks and not a machine (is he a machine?).. and yes, I've heard Nile, and of course they're great.

as for Gene, I actually don't like Strapping Young Lad and thought he (and Devin for that matter) was wasting his talent with that group, but these are all just opinions right? and like assholes, we all have one and they all stink.

think i'll listen to Nile now that we're talking about 'em

Lots of extremely brutal folks mentioned here but having seen quite a few of those mentioned actually track, I can tell you this much: DON'T USE WHAT YOU HEAR ON A CD AS ANY INDICATION WHATSOEVER OF A DRUMMER'S TALENT! Metal drumming these days has become a ridiculously inhuman feat and more folks than not cheat their way into impressing fans.

In a live forum, the following gentleman have proven themselves CONSISTENTLY (to me):

Kevin Talley (Dying Fetus): Flashmaster General! Speedy, flashy and tighter than a 14 year old girl ;)

Flo Mournier (Cryptopsy): Maybe a tad faster and definitely more brutal than Talley, equally as tight, but also less creative, IMHO

Proscriptor(Absu): The ulitmate incarnation of metal perfection behind the kit --- this guy lacks NOTHING!!

Tony Laureano(Angelcorpse, now Nile): Extremely hard-hitting (a trait which is decidedly old-school these days) and fast. He's my favorite of all these mentioned simply due to the fact that in a genre which is permeated by mindless wankery, I actually am able hear individuality in his approach and style.

I really, really like Janne from the Crown and Per from the Haunted's recorded efforts -- they've both got some pretty interesting ideas and styles. But they've both also proven woefully sloppy in a live forum . . .
Originally posted by imaginary

Now this sounds very much like a reply of someone who ran out of logical arguments.... don't you think?

For all you know I could be Nick Barker, or Hellhammer or Dave Lombardo. You have no idea who hides behind the words.

hrm....seeing as you then, (by way of logical argument), cannot prove your identity as any one of those people without revealing who is 'hiding behind the words', you should either a) be quiet and spare our becoming dumber for your speaking, or b) quote someone, something, or somewhere that can be duly cross-referenced and thus proved by something other than your ability to speak out of your anus.
Having said that, I will take back the bad things I have said about you if you can indeed prove your statement. I just find it annoying when people make unfounded claims and find it bizarre that noone believes them.