Who is generally accepted as the fastest drummer?

Originally posted by Prophetix

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

not just he funniest, but mroe like the most pathetic...

also, in the case of double bass, hellhammer is the fastest...
there was a big thread about it on the old deth boards...
they listed all the beats per minute for the fastest drummers, and i remember he was the fastest... hes played in winds, mayhem, arcturus, and covenant/kovenant.
Nothing much new to be read here that hasn't been said before. Hoever, make a note of this and perhaps be enlightened:

1. Nick Barker cheats. The drums for Bimmu Dorgir are quantized and in some cases even programmed.

2. Trym is a great drummer but nowhere as fast as Hellhammer or some others. During many Emperor recordings they had big problems with his speed.

3. Speed isn't everything, technique isn't everything... tastefullness, creativity, and knowing what to play at the right moment however, is!

Now about trigging, contrary to common belief, trigging is nothing other than the replacement of an organic sound by a sampled or synthesized sound. The drummer still actually plays the hits, either on a regular drum-set or on a pad, which is just as velocity sensitive as a regular drum.

The only difference is that a regular bass-drum often sounds like crap, while a triggered sound sounds more controlled and smooth. It's a matter of taste, but try getting good sound out of a real bass drum and you will work long and hard....
Jorg Michael from Stratovarius!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
listen to HOly Solos, all u drummers out there will develop a complex :grin:
I can't really argue about the fastest drummer, so I'm just gonna list a few of my favorite drummers that are also pretty fast.

Fredrik Andersson (Marduk)
Trym (Emperor)
Nick Barker (CoF, Dimmu)
All drummers that played in Dark Funeral
Pete Hammoura (Nile)
Russell Batistoni (Admatha)
I already gave you the fastest double kicks and im shure there is a similar contest/world record for the fastest hands drummer and the fastest overall drummer. That guy i mentioned has measured in a scientific way. Either way i seriously doubt the fastest drummer will come out of a metal band, jazz dudes beat the crap of any metal drummer imho.
Originally posted by Misanthrope
I already gave you the fastest double kicks and im shure there is a similar contest/world record for the fastest hands drummer and the fastest overall drummer. That guy i mentioned has measured in a scientific way. Either way i seriously doubt the fastest drummer will come out of a metal band, jazz dudes beat the crap of any metal drummer imho.
Amen :D

most metal drummers use singel hits while jazz drummers (most of them) uses a mixture of paradiddles and double hits etc etc...which demands far more technique
Virgil Donati is a good example by the way....even if this guy is not really normal :p
The dude drom hellhammer is in the guiness book of records (if someone hasnt already said that, i dunno im to lazy to red the whole thing...:))
Originally posted by imaginary

1. Nick Barker cheats. The drums for Bimmu Dorgir are quantized and in some cases even programmed.

Where did you hear this? It's well known, and quite obvious, that his drums are triggered, but I've never heard a conspiracy theory like this one.

From what live footage I've seen, it's pretty clear that Barker can reproduce the album on stage without much trouble. So if his drums are programmed on record (which is rather unlikely) he can at least perform them when he has to. He's a great drummer, and definitely one of the best as far as I'm concerned.
quantizition doesn't mean that you can play with a half-tempo or fumble with your double-kicks. Normal corrections are only few milliseconds...
Originally posted by warsofwinter
DAnny Carrey isn't the fastest but he is my favortie drummer all the way...I hate it when I have to get in arguments over who is the better drummer .. danny or Joey J (drummer for SlipKnot) it's a big waste of time because Danny rules !!!

They both suck...
Originally posted by AddeJ-Skinfected
I just say; listen to the double bass drums in Morbid Angel´s "Opening of the gates" (track 7) from the album "Gateways to annihilation". The bass drums aproxim. 1:30 into the song is unbeliavable! Never heard ANYTHING like it!
Yeah I know what you're talking about. When I saw Morbid Angel last year, Pete came down and talked to the audience after the show, I told him next time I wanted to hear an Opening Of the Gates solo next time. He laughed and said ok. He seemed really cool. But Im not an expert in drumming either, but he sure can play pretty damn fast. HAIL PETE SANDOVAL!!