what's this sudden distaste for blastbeats?

genocide roach

Aug 18, 2002
spawned from the dark funeral thread.

why is it trendy to dislike blast beats? and why dont people think it belongs in black metal? i seem to remember a time when bands like mayhem were trying to have the fastest and most blast-tacular drummer in the scene. sure slow parts are nice, and i dig it. but i also love super fast riffs backed by blast beats.

i just dont understand this new trend to criticise blast beats.

...but really, when you think about it. this board takes everything to extremes. either extreme praise or extreme criticism. and if you dont agree, youre retarded or somthin.:puke:
When 5,283,076 bands (an exact number, I counted) use them 100% of the time they can get old, but on the whole I still like them.
IMO, without the blast beats, you totally take away from the mellow areas. I mean, of course you gotta put 'em in at a good moment, but metal and blastbeats are like fat chicks and peanut butter- they just go well together.
It was sparked off by the heaps of 'brutal' Unique Leader type bands with harsh pointless fast blasting music, mainly. I just generally hate bands who don't incorporate any tempo changes. Blasting can certainly be done tastefully, I'm not disputing that.
People on this board have a tendancy to jump on any dissing bandwagon that comes along, cuz ya know, lets fight about everything and find someone to pin it on.

Anyways, I like blast beats alot, if they are done well. Misery Index kicks ass at them, while bands like Hate Eternal just gets annoying.
I like blastbeats, but I hate it when they are so dominant in the mix that you can't make out the riffs because of them. Blastbeats seem more like a death metal thing, but can also be used in black metal. Sometimes it can get old when it is overdone though. I was listening to the black metal band Mater Tenebra today. Their non-stop blasting actually started to grate on my nerves a little bit. They were far too loud, and almost never ceased; a good example of blast beats in black metal gone wrong. Other black metal bands, such as Moonblood, Immortal, Mjolnir, make good use of blast beats. What I am generally saying is that overuse and overemphasis of blast beats can make for a grating, unpleasant listening experience.
Erik said:

It's only when a whole fucking album goes TIKTIKTIKTIKTIKTIK ALL the fucking time so all the songs end up sounding the fucking same that I have a real problem with it (see Dork FUNeral "Vobiscum Sathanas") It's unimaginative and annoying. I don't particularly care for music that thinks the only way to achieve extremity and brutality is to play as fast as you can without ever resting or thinking about song dynamics. "Pleasure to Kill" is still the most brutal album ever made.

You are the man. Join the Inquisition.
Of course there's nothing wrong with blastbeats, but i'm going to have to agree with the general consensus of the thread and say that using blastbeats constantly is terribly unoriginal and irritating.
Jean-Pierre said:
Torture Squad is a perfect example of how to correctly implement blast beats. Suffocation as well.

Erik said:
I don't particularly care for music that thinks the only way to achieve extremity and brutality is to play as fast as you can without ever resting or thinking about song dynamics. "Pleasure to Kill" is still the most brutal album ever made.

Changes in blast tempo are also particularly effective. Cryptopsy change bpm in blasts in every song, and it's amazing how much faster and slower the song can sound when those subtle tempo changes are put into effect.

I also think Funeral Portrait and gR have a point.
Cryptkeeper said:
I like blast beats. But, I don't like nonstop blasting. If they're done right, they can be awesome.

Correct. Mindless, useless blasting not only distracts the listener, it removes them from the general experience. When done correctly, it can accentuate the chaotic feel of the music.

Pyrus said:
Yeah, the Metal Inquisition extends an invitation for Erik to join our hallowed ranks. Positions available generally have to do with Defenestration, Cremation, the Guillotine, Death By Hanging (thrash thrash thrash), and such methods of death.

Behemoth's decent at blasting.

Defenestration is so my position.
Guardian of Darkness said:
It was sparked off by the heaps of 'brutal' Unique Leader type bands with harsh pointless fast blasting music, mainly. I just generally hate bands who don't incorporate any tempo changes. Blasting can certainly be done tastefully, I'm not disputing that.
ive heard alot of people say this about unique leader bands. and while they are heavy on the blast beats. they actually do use other beats and incorperate tempo changes. i own many unique leader cds (deeds of flesh, severed savior, disgorge...) and while they ofcourse use blast beats, youd be ignorant to say they only use blast beats without deviation. its a generalization and it makes you look retarded.