what's this sudden distaste for blastbeats?

Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk has excellent use of blastbeats (Ye Entrancemperium). I think the consensus is that blastbeats themselves are great as long as they aren't for 40 minutes straight. I don't think there is an extreme stance on that here.
Erik said:

It's only when a whole fucking album goes TIKTIKTIKTIKTIKTIK ALL the fucking time so all the songs end up sounding the fucking same that I have a real problem with it (see Dork FUNeral "Vobiscum Sathanas") It's unimaginative and annoying. I don't particularly care for music that thinks the only way to achieve extremity and brutality is to play as fast as you can without ever resting or thinking about song dynamics. "Pleasure to Kill" is still the most brutal album ever made.

Exactly, the TIKing I hear for 30 seconds...then a pause... resume TIKing really pisses me off regardless of BPM. Usually it winds up overpowering the guitars and bass so all I get to hear is a guy growling , guitars making "unintelligible" noise and drums blastbeating away for 2-4 minutes. I can see how blast beating can emphasize a riff then calm down but I rarely ever hear a band that only does that, nothing more.
Pyrus said:
Deströyer 666 is good at blasting too, whereas latter-day Morbid Angel and Marduk are great examples of how NOT to use blast beats. It completely destroys the powerful effects of blasting to use the damn things every five seconds.

your dreamin, have u even heard morbid angels new stuff?
genocide roach said:
ive heard alot of people say this about unique leader bands. and while they are heavy on the blast beats. they actually do use other beats and incorperate tempo changes. i own many unique leader cds (deeds of flesh, severed savior, disgorge...) and while they ofcourse use blast beats, youd be ignorant to say they only use blast beats without deviation. its a generalization and it makes you look retarded.

Meh...The tempo changes they do incorporate are just for the sake of changing tempo, the actual music is written to be a brutal blast-fest, nothing more. That's why it sucks.
Pyrus said:
Yeah, the Metal Inquisition extends an invitation for Erik to join our hallowed ranks. Positions available generally have to do with Defenestration, Cremation, the Guillotine, Death By Hanging (thrash thrash thrash), and such methods of death.
Ooh! Ooh! I want to be the Ripping Corpse! (AWAIT DEATH BY THE BLADE)

Also, what are the member benefits? Do I get a funny hat like the guy on the "In the Sign of Evil" cover?
Erik said:
Ooh! Ooh! I want to be the Ripping Corpse! (AWAIT DEATH BY THE BLADE)

Also, what are the member benefits? Do I get a funny hat like the guy on the "In the Sign of Evil" cover?

No, from what I hear you have to be ritualistically sodomized by him to get the dental plan.
Guardian of Darkness said:
Meh...The tempo changes they do incorporate are just for the sake of changing tempo, the actual music is written to be a brutal blast-fest, nothing more. That's why it sucks.
Now you're talking out of your arse. Or wait, perhaps out of Demiurge's arse? I could swear he posted the same thing about UL and blastbeats without knowing what he was on about some time ago.

To claim that for example Deeds of Flesh are "brutal blast-fest, nothing more" is idiocy. There are far more brutal labels than UL. Deeds of Flesh are about technicality and "compactness". Do you have any clue what it takes to play their kind of music? I doubt. But since you don't hear many gay guitar solos in their music, you just jump on the bandwagon and make retarded statements.

And as for brutal death metal, please refrain from posting on the topic in the future. You know precisely fuck all.
I wouldn't have said Deeds of Flesh were about technicality and compactness, considering they've got a fair few comparatively long tracks and don't strike me in the slightest as technical compared to a band like Spawn of Possession, or even just Disavowed maybe.
SculptedCold said:
I wouldn't have said Deeds of Flesh were about technicality and compactness, considering they've got a fair few comparatively long tracks and don't strike me in the slightest as technical compared to a band like Spawn of Possession, or even just Disavowed maybe.

I see what you're getting at, their music doesn't resembe SoP or Necrophagist. However, it is still not easy at all to play the guitars in a manner Deeds of Flesh do. If you've tried to play yourself or seen DoF live you'll know what I am talking about.
Naggamanteh said:
Now you're talking out of your arse. Or wait, perhaps out of Demiurge's arse? I could swear he posted the same thing about UL and blastbeats without knowing what he was on about some time ago.

To claim that for example Deeds of Flesh are "brutal blast-fest, nothing more" is idiocy. There are far more brutal labels than UL. Deeds of Flesh are about technicality and "compactness". Do you have any clue what it takes to play their kind of music? I doubt. But since you don't hear many gay guitar solos in their music, you just jump on the bandwagon and make retarded statements.

And as for brutal death metal, please refrain from posting on the topic in the future. You know precisely fuck all.

1. I hate guitar solos.
2. I hate Deeds of Flesh, but they're one of the better bands on UL, there does appear to be a slight element of quality in places. They're simply boring.
3. I didn't mean that every single UL band was like that, I even like one or two of them. It's called speaking generally. Then again, DoF are pretty much what I'm talking about, they're devoid of atmosphere with poor structure and bad drums from what I've heard.
4. I didn't say there weren't far more brutal labels, they just come to mind as being a typical example of why blasting pisses me off, and why brutal death in general pisses me off.
5. I don't care about technicality, while my response to 'compactness' is a big 'eh?'
I am wondering which bands on Unique Leader you are talking about. I'm not perticularly familiar with the lable but none of the bands I've heard completly go without tempo changes.
Naggamanteh said:
I see what you're getting at, their music doesn't resembe SoP or Necrophagist. However, it is still not easy at all to play the guitars in a manner Deeds of Flesh do. If you've tried to play yourself or seen DoF live you'll know what I am talking about.
I suppose. I'd draw a similarity to Dying Fetus in this respect; they don't really sound technical either but watching them play is just... :OMG:
I like when a band does blast beats every song, all the time. If the songs don't sound the same why listen to them? I hate when bands try to make every song different. All songs should be blast beats and no guitar, bass or singing. Who needs music if there are no blast beats. I'd like to hear an album that is all blast beats. 40 minutes straight of blast beats and monkey noises. Maybe if you had a monkey playing blast beats and making nosies at the same time you'd have a work of art.