what's this sudden distaste for blastbeats?

Erik said:
Ooh! Ooh! I want to be the Ripping Corpse! (AWAIT DEATH BY THE BLADE)

Also, what are the member benefits? Do I get a funny hat like the guy on the "In the Sign of Evil" cover?

Yes. Ripping Corpse it is. \m/ >_< \m/

Put it in your sig.
Guardian of Darkness said:
...On videotape, knowing Pyrus.
Hell yes. I could make so much money from creepy fetish dudes off of that.

There's an official Metal Inquisition bathroom, but somebody keeps clogging the toilet. I'm looking at you, Dodens.

You also get two packs of Skittles a month, and the right to terminate poseurs and n00bs as you see fit.
I got this promo cd one time of a band called Demonized and every song on the cd started off with blastbeats and it all sounded so hackneyed and repetitive. When blastbeats are done right, they're excellent. (as has been stated numerous times in this thread)
Pyrus said:
There's an official Metal Inquisition bathroom, but somebody keeps clogging the toilet. I'm looking at you, Dodens.
Fuck you, I like my spices.

And solos own your soul. If they don't suck.
Thraxz said:
That is quite possibly the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Please tell me you were kidding.

Ok, replace 'all' with 'most'. They sound dated and I've grown out of liking dated music, and the only 'vibe' I get from them is that of a musician taking a break from the music to show off his skill.
Necro Joe said:
I am wondering which bands on Unique Leader you are talking about. I'm not perticularly familiar with the lable but none of the bands I've heard completly go without tempo changes.

Yeah, I'm not making myself clear enough. What I'm basically saying is that UL bands compose their music in a way which is suited only to relentless blasting and not to tempo changes, thus any tempo changes they do incorporate sound pointless. This is typical of most bands on the label, but terrible shit like Decrepit Birth, Severed Savior, Odious Sanction, Disavowed, etc are the worst cases - I absolutely loathe the stuttery crap these wankers put out. I can tolerate/like stuff like DoF and Agiel on occasion, and I generally like Mortal Decay and Spawn of Possession.
Guardian of Darkness said:
Ok, replace 'all' with 'most'. They sound dated and I've grown out of liking dated music, and the only 'vibe' I get from them is that of a musician taking a break from the music to show off his skill.

So instead you'd rather listen a 5 minute long session of nothing but chromatic riffing? Holy shit, talk about boring. You might as well turn on a Slipknot song as far as I'm concerned.
Well, y'know what dude, I can't take this heavy shit. Summoning's more my thang, so each to his own k?

Edit: I said most solos. :roll: I like old Priest anyway, and some other trad' stuff when I'm in the mood, but within the music I generally listen to they're entirely unnecessary, and in quite a lot of bad traditional metal they do nothing for the music whatsoever..
It sounds to me the GoD only listens to "trad" stuff because he was conditioned to do so before his transition to underground metal. Why only the trad bands? Because only the classics like Judas Priest, Dio, Black Sabbath, and Iron Maiden have any acceptance within the underground metal world.

Just a theory.
Pyrus said:
Depends. Do you *yadda yadda yadda insert guidelines here cause I'm too lazy to go find them again*?

Found them. Here you are:
Pyrus said:
Depends. Do you like thrash/trad/speed/power more than other genres? Do you insult people for liking modern metal? Are you willing to sacrifice your dignity in the name of being tr00?
Follow these guidelines, Erik, and you're in.
Well, I definitely perk up when I hear a band is THRASH AS FUCK as opposed to an 'incredibly atmospheric masterpiece of NSBM artistry from the wintry wastes of blah blah blah'.

Yeah, I listen to Machine Head, but you know what?

Do Megadeth, Kreator, Sepultura, Sodom, Destruction, Overkill, Anthrax, Heathen, Metallica, Slayer, Possessed, Dream Theater, Fates Warning, Helstar, Elvenking, Helloween, Exodus, Primal Fear, Jag Panzer, Forbidden, Flotsam and Jetsam, Watchtower, Death, Nuclear Assault, Death Angel, Dark Angel, Torture Squad, Nailbomb, Blind Guardian, and the almighty Fear Factory say anything for me?